Friday, 12 February 2016

Is Syria on her way to Peace?

The announcement from the Geneva Syrian Negotiations, that there is to be a ceasefire in a week's time, is indeed good news, especially at a time when it is not often that we hear of good things coming out of that country.  Of course, the good things which are coming out of that country is its people and the fortitude with which they have been confronting over 4 years of vicious and destructive warfare.

It is therefore very encouraging that there is to be a ceasefire, which, if it really comes past, will hopefully lead to it being consolidated and act as a launchpad for successful negotiation of a viable peace agreement between the warring parties and their external facilitators.

Of course, no sooner do we hear of this ceasefire agreement, than we are confronted with the news of President Assad apparently voicing his intent for his government to regain control of all Syrian territory, and asserting that that goal will take a long time and extract a high cost.

It is a fact that the current proxy and fratricidal war has already extracted a horrendous cost from the Syrian people, which would make, in my humble opinion, President Assad's mention of a further high price to pay, very insensitive and even inhumane.

~Let us hope that the President will soon take the opportunity to provide some further clarification of his purported announcement, vis a vis his commitment to the ceasefire agreed in Geneva.

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