Thursday, 18 February 2016

On Contemplating the Fairness/Unfairness of Life

There is, I believe, a saying that 'life is a bitch and then you die.'
Being sentient beings, one of our essentially human characteristic or attribute, is our dislike of seeing people suffering, whether or not they are our loved ones or people we have no relation or contact with, but more so when they are, as it were, our own.

The true extent of our suffering when we see others suffering or in very painful situations, or at our own misfortune, is limited only by our capacity to empathise with people. The less emotionally and psychologically equipped we are to empathise, the more we are able to block out the pain we might have vicariously feel for others, and vice a versa.
At some point in everybody's life, they are likely to be confronted by an emotional dilemma which will cause them to ask: 'Why me?' This is likely to be the case whether or not they are the primary subject of the perceived misfortune, such a losing all their possession or having a major personal trauma, or the relative of someone who has a terminal illness or has otherwise died under tragic circumstances.
And so the question is posed, either to the gods or to nobody in particular: 'Why me?' 'Why did this have to happen to me (sometimes probably being oblivious to the fact that whatever happens, does indeed happen to lots of other people - it is not fair.'
It is normal for us to pronounce that 'life is not fair.'
And so I have given it some thought more or less as others have before and will do after me
And my conclusion is that there is nothing fair about life and life would probably tell you there is nothing unfair about it either because it is just that, life
It does not think of itself as compassionate or cruel life but just life 
Neither fair nor unfair because it does not think though it be alive
And we have to acquiesce to this state of life being neither fair nor unfair unless we should agree
That it be so at the points of birth and death with all that lies in-between being a matter of fate chances and circumstances
And so we can endeavour to make the best of what life throws at us

While we continue to draw comparisons and stare into the apparently blatantly unfairness of life ours and/or others
And live for the moment as if it were our last as we know not when it will be because life can be so unfair

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