Saturday, 5 March 2016

Is it Time for Russia and China to become the CEOs of Global Enterprises?

As I See IT

The western leaders - America, Britain, Germany and France - of the current world order are making an extremely bad job of leading and guiding the world. Put simply, if the world was a public limited company, let us say, Global Enterprises, Obama, Cameron, Holland, and, to a lesser degree, Merkel, would be fired from their jobs as GE's CEOs, and would have a hard time getting alternative jobs.

We only need to look at what they have wrought in their management of conflict prevention and resolution, to see the poverty and ineptness of their international policies.  Yes, there are the old examples - Iraq, Somalia, South Sudan, Afghanistan, Nigeria Pakistan - which just will not be resolved, and the newer ones - Libya, Syria, Yemen and Syria - which are providing ample evidence of this batch of leaders being both ineffective and poor performers. Yes, we have the successes of the Iran nuclear agreement, and, more recently, the still holding ceasefire in the Syrian proxy war.

The tensions within the Middle East could still increase and lead to more open military conflict between Sunnis and Shiites, as Iran and Saudi Arabia and her Sunni coalition partners struggle to regain the impetus and ground which they have lost as a consequence of the rapprochement between Iran and the West.  As the latter come to realise that its Middle East Sunni preferential policy is no longer tenable, and that it has to realigned it policies more even-handed, in recognition of the changing geopolitical order. Lebanon is currently in a difficult position, as the region's Sunni coalition places increased pressures on it.

The ineptitude of GE's CEOs is further magnified in their baffling and uncertain response to the the apoplectic behaviour of their Turkish Enfant terrible, Erdogan, who could, at any moment, begin throwing more explosives on the existing flames, or start new fires where their is none at present..

As for the resolution of the Israeli/Palestinian crisis, well, one might well respond: 'what Israeli/Palestinian Crisis,? After having a situation going for so long, it is no longer a crisis, but the status quo.

Added to that is the current situation which confronts Europe; that of the migration crisis, the pre-migration economic crisis, which has seen Greece being broken by her EU partners, and increasing tensions within the EU from pressures from its Eastern European members, and from Britain threatening to leave it.

There is every indication that the West's current leaders have led their respective countries and GE into a dead end, and that none of them are equipped to lead it out of it.

And so, it seems to me,  that Global Enterprises needs to have new CEOs, which, I would argue, should come from Eastern Europe and Asia. I believe that Russia and China are the nations which should take over the mantle of running Global Enterprises. 

We have seen how instrumental they have been in helping to bring about the Iranian nuclear agreement, and the budding ceasefire agreement in Syria. It is also the case that China has played a very significant role in helping to bring about the economic stimulus which has lead to the partial recovery of the world economy.

If the west can allow itself to think out of the box, which is what is required to help GE to recover, our current leaders should be able to see the value of accommodating and working with the Russians and Chinese. 

However.I fear that they will continue to give political games priority over sound diplomacy, because that is what myopic politicians do; play games, however destructive they are. 

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