Europe, if it has to be religious, wants to remain essentially Christian.
Once again, the demonic soldiers of a version of Islam which many of thought and many more had hoped, had died some centuries ago, along with Christian crusades, are stalking the Middle East, Africa, Asia, America and, now, Europe.
The latest outrage in Belgium, which has resulted in the loss of innocent lives and injuries to innocent people is just the latest chapter of this perfidious battle being waged by these Islamic fanatics, in their attempt to 'make Islam great again.' As I write the words 'innocent people', I cannot but be mindful of the fact that this demonic version of Islam, as practised by Daesh, IS and Al Queda, has no meaning, because, for them, the only lives which have value are those of the spurious Jihadis who would sacrifice their own miserable lives in the pursuit of killing and maiming those who do not pay allegiance to their, the Jihadists' vile doctrine and god. In other words, those of us who are sane and constitute the majority of humanity.
It is probably unlikely that these fanatics could ever win this struggle and subject Europe to the despotism and barbarity which their version of Islam would mean. Their indiscriminate action has sofar resulted in dozens of deaths and hundreds of injured people in Europe, Britain and America and Russia.
Yet, Europe and America are not new to terrorist outrages. American has had more than her share of deaths from lone-wolves terrorists, and Europe has, in the 70s, experienced targeted terrorist outrages by groups such as The Red Brigade and the Baader Meinhoff group. And it goes back even further, with terrorist act resulting in the murder of Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria-Hungary, leading to the First World War being started.
So, since terrorism in Europe is not a new phenomenon, what is it about Jihadist terrorism in Europe that is causing such fear?
Is it because of the implication of this terrorism being 'Jihadistic,' and therefore being predicated upon a theistic belief and ideology which Europeans and other free-thinking peoples, would not be able to reason with and challenge? Thereby realising Thomas Paine's dictum that, when men yields up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon.
I suspect that the reason why 'Jihadist' terrorism in Europe is very different from what might have been perceived as 'organic European terrorism', is very complex. Europe has what it might consider an unhappy encounter with Islam in its earlier history, on European soil. This is something which is still discernible from the existence of native Muslims in some European countries, such as Kosova, Bosnia-Herzegovenia. There is still fear within the European psyche that Islam might try again to conquer more territories in Europe; something which does not have to be done by or entirely through military means, but increasing the number of orthodox Muslims living in Europe. Thus the displacement of Muslims from the Middle East, Africa and Asia, advances the cause of those advocating an 'Islamic Caliphate/s.'
Europeans are also very concerned about the movement of Muslims from the Middle East, Africa and Asia, into Europe, as these Muslims could provide an enlarged 'pool' from which Daesh, IS, Al Queda and other extremist Islamic groups could trawl and recruit their moronic soldiers.
Rightly or wrongly, because of the fact that these jihadists are Muslims, all Muslims and all Islamic organizations, to varying degrees, e.g., from none, or little to a lot, will come under suspicion by Europeans of all ethnic groups, including Muslims. This can be very unpalatable for people, especially Muslims, although, considered rationally, it should not be, since the morons who join these extremist Islamic groups, are people who have families, friends, and function within their local communities.
So, in my opinion, what might pose the most serious threat to European sense of identity and security, for examply, of being a solely or predominantly white, anglo-saxon-slavic peoples, is not so much the risk of having large numbers of people who are not white living amongst them. Rather, it is, I fear, the threat of the newly arriving Muslims extinguishing the light of enlightenment and freedom from religious oppression, which Europeans have achieved after centuries of suffering and struggle.
This, I fear, would also be a major concern for native European Muslims, as well as those Muslims who have migrated from traditional Muslim countries and have now adopted the more secular life-styles which are the norm in Europe and other countries in the west. Europeans have fought against the oppression of their 'own Christian religion for centuries, so it would be a cruel irony for them, in centuries to come, to have to subject themselves to religious oppression by Islam. That would make not sense, because, in the eyes of free thinking people, the perception of the Muslim god and religion is no less flawed than the perception of the Christian god and religion. If anything, the former might be more troubling
As Thomas Paine has noted, "Of all the tyrannies that affect man, tyranny in religion is the worst."
Enlightened or liberal Europeans, like other enlightened and liberal people, be they Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Atheists, etc, want to move forward and make their lives better, or, at least, not worst. Whereas those who dream of and want to re-establish an 'Islamic Caliphate', are committed to taking all who fall under their tyranny, back to the barbaric past against which humankind has fought and escaped.
The threat which Islamic extremists pose to the 'civilized world' might not be yet an existentialist one, but is it a very serious one which has to be fought with the best tools, tactics and strategies, and probably on a global front.
Yes, it does appear to be the case that Islamic terrorism will be the 'new norm' in Europe for some time to come.
'Free-thinker' being at one with nature?
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