Tuesday, 19 April 2016


Good support is needed to stay safe in perilous times.

As I see it, Islam, like other religions which people living in the West are following, has an equal right to be followed by its adherents. However, the version of Islam which is being followed in the west, in countries in Europe, North and South America and the West Indies, needs to be a religion which respects the other religions of the west and treats everybody, men and women as equals. It should not, neither should the governments of these countries allow it to treat women and people who are not Muslims as unequals, and refer to them in pejorative terms, such as 'Kafirs', or be allowed to incite 'jihads.' Guided as they are by the Quran, the Muslims living in the west would, of course, have to revise the Quran, as it would be hypocritical to expect them to treat the people of other faiths and women as equals, when their holy Quran is telling them not to do so. 

Of course, revising the Quran could and probably lead to more schism in the Islamic world, but that is what the Muslims of the west would have to risk, if they are to make their faith compatible with western values and live in peace with their fellow citizens.

The Muslims of the west should most certainly not be allowed to practise Sharia law, as the legitimate law has to be that which is past by the legislative arm of government, and should be applied to all the citizens of the land, irrespective of their religious faiths.

Recently it has been reported that the AfD party in Germany is advocating for the banning of minarets and the wearing of veils by Muslims. It appears that the AfD sees Islam as a threat to Europe, apparently on the premis that it is more than a religion institution and that it wants to takeover the country. 

Many Muslims in Europe are genuinely concerned about the increasingly anti-Muslim and at times, hostile atmosphere towards Islam in Europe. This is only natural. It is somewhat similar to how Black people in Britain and Europe felt when some white people were advocating that they should be repatriated or returned to 'where they came from.' It is also similar to how some immigrants from Eastern Europe, in Britain, are feeling at present, with the current 'anti-immigrant and migrant' atmosphere. 

Most of all, most people in Europe and the west are feeling uncertain and apprehensive about the implications of Isis/Daesh are doing in the Middle East and the world.

It would be tempting for Muslims in Europe to feel that they all have to unite and oppose the apparent anti-Islamic onslaught, but it would be more prudent for both Muslims and all other European citizens to carefully analysis what is the real cause of this problem, and how best to address it. I suspect that it is not so much a matter of other Europeans not liking Muslims, but more a matter of people's understanding that Muslims are guided by Islamic laws, cultures and traditions, and that the ultimate manifestation of these is to have an Islamic state, which would require non-Muslims to have to submit to the tyranny of a religion which is not of their choosing. Anathema.

In commenting on a comment on the German AfD proposal to ban minarets and the wearing of veils in Germany, an apparently Muslim man commented that they have right to recover "their stolen lands", and that if they do not have guns, they would use knives. I make the assumption that this man might be referring to the Muslim invasion of Europe and them having been driven out after occupying parts of Europe for a considerable period of time.  So, is this what it is about; recovering 'stolen lands' and reoccupying Europe?

Could there be people within the Muslim communities in Europe who are planning to use the 'faith' and the 'faithful' to takeover and make some European countries into Islamic states, over decades or centuries? If so, are European Muslims aware of this and is this what they would want to happen? There is certainly a lot of money from Islamic countries, such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia, et al, migrating to Europe to help to build magnificent Mosques.  

Since the countries helping to fund these establishments are Islamic ones, it would be prudent to assume that they are using their governments' money to fund and influence Muslim institutions which reflects their vision of furthering the advance of Islam. This is simply a more sophisticated strategy than the examples of Guinea and Sudan, where the Islamic states could simply use their money to get the governments to make their countries into Islamic states, to whatever degrees.

Being blinded by their desire to make money out of these repressive, mainly Arab countries, some western governments seem oblivious to the threat of their countries becoming gradually 'Islamised.'

At the same time, progressive Muslims who are aware of the threat, such as the increasingly victimised Ahmadiyya community, are left disempowered and endangered by their governments, which are only too eager to be on good terms with the powerful Islamic states potentially using western Muslims as a 'Trojan Horse.'

There is a battle going on within Muslim communities all over Europe, and it is one which needs to be won by the progressive Muslims; if the excesses of battles taking place in their ancestral homes are not to be visited upon them and their fellow citizens in Europe and the west.

Aspire towards peace and tranquility and let the gods fend for themselves


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