Thursday, 19 May 2016


hose British people who want to leave the EU, naturally, will cite all the negatives associated with membership of the Union. Most prominent on their list of why we must leave, are issues such as the bureaucratic structure of the EU's - yes, let us say, Empire - government, the all pervasive nature of its tentacles - what we shall call the EU's empire-like list of laws, regulations, directives, and rules - and its usurpation of a significant part of its constituent members's national autonomy. Waste and inefficiency are also numbered amongst the things which the Brexiters loathe.

ost recently we had Boris Johnson telling of the President of the US, Barak Obama, effectively telling him to keep his opinion to himself and not to interfere in Britain's internal and international affairs, by advising the country to remain in the EU. This, of course, is a bit paradoxical, as one of the reasons why the Brexiters want out of the EU, is because of their belief - with some justification - that Brussels, the seat of the EU's Parliament, is unacceptably impinging on Britains' sovereignty. Now, it is the case that President Obama could attempt to justify or rationalise his decision to intervene in the debate about Britain leaving the EU, by citing the close link between the EU, NATO, the UN and America.

t is indeed a small world and there are indeed strong links between all of these organisations, as the play a strategic role in the over-arching objective of 'protecting Europe from its designated 'enemy'; the Russian Federation, and reducing the risk of war between the disparate and diverse member states and peoples of the 'European Federation or Empire', which, according to Boris Johnson, and many others, including some of those who want Britain to remain and fight significantly reform the EU, is the ultimate objective of the EU bureaucrats.

es, who are the EU's bureaucrats; these scheming and conspiring people? Are they not collectively the MEP' who are elected by their constituents member states, to who they are accountable? Life and reality of course, tends to be more complex than it appears, and it might be the case that, the European Parliament is greater than the sum of its constituent members, resulting in it having taken on a life of its own, which places it out of the control of the individual members or groups of them. And thus the case for the Union's major reform, as opposed to Britain bailing out over the North Sea, or into the economic wilderness with her ukulele to form her 'one country band.'

 suspect that it would be the height of madness for the British people to vote to leave the EU, since, although it is probably extremely difficult to predict how damaging that would be for the country, it is highly probable that the benefits of leaving now, would be outweighed by the disadvantages. Leaving and starting again from scratch or nearly scratch is not an option which a mature country such as Britain can opt for; it is a fact that Britain is already in, and the ‘wheel cannot be reinvented.’

he best or least detrimental option for the country is to remain a member and fight to make the Union better.  This is the moment of the British to emulate the Scots and vote to remain.

Being all alone is no fun. Tread prudently!


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