Friday, 6 May 2016


The results of the local government elections in Scotland seems to have concluded with the Conservative Party, the party forming the current British Government, has made gains at the expense of the British Labour Party, with the latter now becoming the third, as opposed to the second largest political party in a politically vibrant Scotland. This is clearly something which should concern the Labour Party, as one might have expected the Tories to be less favourable than Labour, amongst the Scots, and vote accordingly. Clearly an outcome which should please the Tories, and dismay the Labourites.

The initial projections of the local government elections in England seems to suggest that, overall, Labour has lost more seats than it has gained, but that the losses are not on such a scale as to warrant them being considered a disaster or very bad outcome for the Labour Party, under its new leader, Jeremy Corbyn.

One projection, in The Guardian newspaper, seems to suggest that the Party is set to loose 44 council seats and gain 36; an overall deficit of 8 seats. All of this, however, has not stopped the press and media from making dire predictions about Labour's chances of placing itself in a sufficiently strong position to 'become a governing party' and win the general elections in 2020.

The fact is that the Labour party has been beset by a lot of problems, including a row over accusations of antisemitism within it, a matter of a few days before these election, seems lost on many of its detractors; both within and without the party.

The Labour Party has not only got the Tories and the other parties fighting against it, it also has probably most of the media, and, most insidiously, conspiratorial Labour MPs and party officials who want to see the back of Corbyn and the Corbynites. These insidious MPs would have loved the Party to have done more badly in the local elections, as it would have given them more ammunition to wage their anti-Labour war.  These treasonous Labour Party MPs and officials will not take any comfort in Labour not having done as badly as they had hoped, since it deny them the rationale for their intended 'coup' against the Corbynites. 

Clearly these people are beyond the pale, since it is their earnest desire that 'their party' should do badly. They can now be expected to show little or no good faith, and, instead, to use the media - as do other opponents of the LP - to try to magnify and put a negative anti-Labour spin on the election results, in their desire to damage the Party.

All things considered, the Labour Party has not done very badly or as badly as it could have done, considering the persistent and concentrated attacks to which Corbyn and the Corbynites have been subjected to, since Jeremy took over the Party's leadership about a year ago.

Twenty-Twenty is still 3 years away and there is still time for the Conservatives to lose that election and for Labour to win it.

It just need the rebels in the Labour Party to put up or shut up; or, if they cannot or are unwilling to do either, leave the Party.


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