Thursday, 2 June 2016


What strategy to infuse the majority with a probably minority vision?
Politics, it is said is the art of the possible. Some might also say politics is war by other more peaceful or less destructive means. I suspect that, for professional politicians and the team of people and businesses supporting them, their political campaigns, if they are to be successful, have to be fought with military-like planning and precision, with all that tremendous amount of logistical support being deployed behind the political leaders fronting the campaign.

Next to this massive logistical support which is being deployed behind Bernie ~Sanders and Hillary Clinton, is the tactical and strategic game plans they and their teams are deploying, with, it is to be anticipated, the mastery of a brilliant chess player.

Keeping the right balance between the 'left' and the 'right' to get to your destination.

And so it is, that now, with the final stage of the Primary campaign approaching, both Hillary and Bernie are likely to be reviewing their respective positions. Examining what they have gained and what they have lost so far in this election campaign, and what further gains and loses might or are certain to impact them and the Democratic Party in the run up to and the final stages of the 2016 Presidential Elections.

Like good chess players, the time is approaching when Hillary and Sanders, in the time-honoured American tradition, need to analyse and assess what compromises they need to make to each other, in order to further the political causes of their respective campaigns.

I am aware that some of Bernie Sanders supporters will be opposed to him making any concessions or compromises with the Hillary camp, seeing it as a 'betrayal' and probably as 'a pact with the devil', in the form of the 'rotten' Democratic Party establishment.  

Yet, what those supporters have to ask themselves, is whether they would like to see some of the progressive policies which Sanders is advocating, implemented, as a result of some 'accommodation' between the Hillary and Sanders camps, or risk having none of them being implemented, as a result of a 'total war strategy' which repudiates any strategic or tactical alliance between the two camps, and probably play into the hands of Trump, and give him the Presidency?

Unless you are an advocate of change by populist and/or violent revolution, such as we have seen in Libya, Egypt, Tunisia and Syria, and which is definitely not going to occur in the United States in the foreseeable future, probably the best and most cost-effective societal political model is one in which the different political and economic interests are able to work together effectively for all the people.

Taking the present train might be your best opportunity, even if it is not going directly to your desired destination.

The gains and progress which Bernie Sanders campaign has made in 2016, cannot be guaranteed in the 2020 election campaign, as nobody knows how the yet to be realised economic, political and social events of the coming 4 years will have impacted on the perceptions of the American people and voting electorate. This means that the Bernie camp cannot and should not be expecting that, in 2020, they will simply continue to build on their 2016 achievements. 

The American political left or progressives, as it were, would be unwise to pursue 'an all or nothing' political strategy, as opposed to 'an eclectic model', which does not consign them to permanent 'opposition', but seeing them taking tactical and strategic opportunities to become involved in government and influencing policies to make them more progressive.

It is this form of 'gradualistic' strategy which is more likely to be successful, as it will help to gradually acculturise Americans into losing their fear of 'leftist' or 'progressive' politics. It is, using an athletic analogy, more of a 'relayistic' rather than 'sprintistic' politics, with different administrations building on the progress of the preceding ones, instead of a single administration 'revolutionising all key area of the society.


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