Some might look for 'a sign', but....
With Britain due to have a referendum on whether the country should leave the European Union, the British people are confronted with probably as momentous and profound a decision as that of them having intervened in World Wars 1 and 2. It is a decision which requires them to show enormous maturity and grasp of what the economic, social, political and trade implications are, or could be.
However, while they have the evidence of the results of British membership of the Union, over the past decades, they only have the predictions, projections and promises (the 3 Ps.) of the Brexiter gurus on which to base any decision to Leave the EU. Confronted with the evidence of decades of membership, there has to be some concern that many of the British electorate might ignore or marginalise it, and use 'their gut feelings' to decide to vote for the country to leave the EU. The bigger concern is about what proportion of the electorate might do so?
What is needed is clear focus, ...
Britain's concerns about controlling the number of immigrants coming into the country is an understandable one. People might think socially, but they probably mostly live 'isolated' lives, knowing their neighbours by sight but probably having very little interaction with them, unless they meet while doing the gardening, at the super market, the pub,etc. This offers them some sense of feeling secure and 'having some control', and it works, especially if everybody speaks a common language and are committed to maintaining a certain about of neighbourliness, not having a world-view which might threaten your neighbour's.
The perception ordinary people might have of new 'immigrants', is that they will adversely affect their sense of security, that they are not going to 'be or be able to be like us', and are going to 'want to hold on their them-ness.' So, there are clearly understandable and profound fears here, which have led the British - and probably other nations as well - to have a tendency to react adversely to the question of immigration.
More debate needs to be had on this issue, but the Brexiters would be wrong to imagine that, by Britain leaving the EU, the issue of 'Britain's immigration problem' will magically be resolved; it will not be, because it is, like education, the NHS, housing, Unemployment, welfare benefits, and the economy, open to political manipulation. Similarly, the British people could do well to be mindful of the serious demographic and economic problem which Japan is now confronting, with a decline in her population, and one which is predicted to become significantly worse.
Immigration is something which needs to be addressed over a very long time; over generations, and not the life-time of one generation which cannot accurately predict what will transpires in 50, 100 or 150 years time.
The need for a root and branch reform of the European Union, including in terms of its level of bureaucracy, political, economic and legal authority, and its 'aims and objectives', is very self-evident. There are clearly some EU politicians, eg, Tusk, who want to continue to use the EU as an empire-building tool, and, along with NATO, to contain 'the Russian enemy' which the west is currently projecting.
One can imaging a very dangerous situation developing, in which conservative politicians from formerly Soviet Bloc countries, along with western anti-Russian politicians, become dominant in a post-Britain EU and NATO, and use these organisations to squeeze and provoke the Russian Federation, and, yes, the Chinese.
The less costly and most effective contribution Britain can make to the European Union, is to remain in it and lead the battle for its reform.
The less costly and most effective contribution Britain can make to the European Union, is to remain in it and lead the battle for its reform.
Decision based on the unselfish and inclusive realisation that, we are 'One World, One Human Race, and One Destiny.
The British people do not have to take a leap into dark, by listening to the entreaties of the Euro-sceptic, 'little Britain', or 'Make Britain Great Again' politicians and elites and vote for leaving the European Union. They already have evidence of what being in the Union is providing them with, but they cannot be sure that what the Brexiters are promising will really come to fruition or when. That should make their promises unattractive to both 'bears' and 'bulls', gamblers' and 'non-gamblers' alike.
All or most things considered, the case for remaining in the EU is very much stronger than the case for leaving.
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