Monday, 27 June 2016


Are the British people, like their political parties and country, in search of a prudent leader to lead them to the 'promised land.?

The British political establishment is currently engulfed in a very bloody internecine war, of such gravity that it is probably unparalleled in the history of British party politics.  The  tumultuous challenge of how the country should go about its task of 'de-establishing' itself from the European Union, without doing mortal damage to itself, it seems, is not enough to prevent both the British Conservative Party and the Labour Party from providing more evidence of the expeditious nature of politics, by indulging in blood-letting with a vengeance.

The British Labour Party is currently in renewed self-destruct mode, with its 'Brutusian' Members of Parliament, again, removing their daggers and swords from their scabbards to bring a murderous end to the Leadership of Jeremy Corbyn.  Their refrain, as it had been before the EU referendum debacle', is that Jeremy Corbyn failed to display effective leadership during the pre-referendum vote. As I write this post, over one dozen Labour Party MPs have resigned from the Shadow Cabinet, expressing a lack of confidence in the Party's leader.  

All of this, of course, begs the question - which should be obvious to all, but probably not to these 'disloyal' MPs - namely this, 'what did they do individually and collectively, in arguing their Party's support for Britain to remain in the European Union, and, since their Party's argument was not effective in convincing more of the British electorate to  vote to remain in the EU, how is it that Jeremy Corbyn's individual 'failure' to convince the electorate, is greater than their collective 'failure?'

We can look to the past for inspiration, but not aspiration, which belongs to the future

Of course, we already know the answer to that question; it is called 'scapegoating' and ' perverse political expedience and opportunism.'  It could also be categorised as 'political homicide', since the action of these MPs is liable to do great harm to the Party. We might also pose the question as to whether it is not the intention of at least some of these MPs to inflict just such  harm on the Party, since it is reasonable that they - unlike some of the people who voted for Britain to leave the EU - should be aware of how harmful their 'disloyalty' and its timing, will be to the Party's standing.  The alternative hypothesis would be to conclude that these MPs are simply being guided by 'political infantilism.'

Arguably, the British Labour Party has at least two over-ridding reasons to remain 'united' at this time. The first is that country and its people are confronted by the massive challenge of how to properly deal with the crisis which has resulted from the referendum outcome for Britain to leave the European Union. Just as how all mainstream political parties joined in the pre-referendum campaigning to convince and encourage the electorate as to why it is in the country's best interest to for it to remain in the EU, so is it very important for all of them to join force to deal with  the challenge of 'what to do now, how to do it and when to do it.'

The second major reason for the Labour Party to remain 'united', is the opportunity it offers the Party to make 'reasonable political capital and gains' from the internecine battles within the Conservative Party at present.  That is what any reasonable person would have expected the Labour Party's strategy to be. Instead, the 'Brutusians' within the Labour Party, came to the unbelievable conclusion that now would be the best time for them to 'strike' and, they calculate, bring down Jeremy Corbyn. 

Building together enable all strengths to coalesce and overcome most or all of our individual weaknesses.

If they believe that this conspiracy is really in the best interest of the Party, and/or the country, then, that could be an indication of the extent of their delusion.  Then again, it might have nothing to do with the best interests of the Labour Party or the country and its people; but just their own weltanshauung (worldview), que sera sera (what will be will be) approach to the crisis, or aspiration for political power.

The current situation is clearly not a good one for Britain or the British people to be in, since it gives the impression that, not only is no one in charge, but also that probably there is nobody of the necessary leadership stature and competency to command the respect and confidence which the situation needs, to help to progress it.

Mr Cameron has clearly done what he can do, and is now in danger of entering the zone of 'diminishing returns', for each additional week  and month he retains the Primership. It seems eminently prudent for him to leave office within say, the next four 4, and hand over the reign of power to whom ever the Conservatives elect as their new leader, instead of remaining in power, without the credibility and ability to make binding agreements with his current EU partners.

As for the Labour Party, it is rather tragic that, it would appear that the 'Brutusians' might be in sight of their 'self-fulfilling' prophesy, that Jeremy Corbyn 'cannot lead the Party' to forming a government.  However, if that were to transpire, it would be largely as a result of their plotting and intrigues. Considering their roles and actions in this Greek-like tragedy, it would not be auspicious for any of them to take over the mantle from Jeremy Corbyn. 

A new and comparatively 'unblemished' leader would need to step up from the ranks of the Party.

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