What has been going on, I asked myself, why the media and the politicians have made so little reference to Mr Bernard Carter-Kenny, a 77 year old man who risked his life to try to save Jo Cox, and was badly injured in the process?
Why no or so little reference to this man, whose heroism is not or only being grudgingly acknowledged? Is it that he and his family have asked that they be kept out of it, or is it that he and his life is not seen as being of equal value to that of tragic, but now lost Jo Cox?
I struggle to comprehend the strange logic which has led to bumbling and opportunistic politicians and wolfish media ignoring this man, and failing to sing his praises. Is it that he would have made the 'news' more and gain mention from the politicians if he had died? Sadly, I suspect that that is so.
Consequently, instead of dealing and focusing on the human tragedy which has befallen Mr Carter-Kenny and Jo Cox's family', the media and the politicians conspired to contrive and manipulate Jo Cox's death into something akin to it being seen as a veritable threat to British Parliamentarians and the political establishment. When the fact is that the biggest threat to the British political establishment, is its own duplicity and vacuousness.
Does it have to take the death of a courageous woman and politician for the political establishment to 'to come together' to tell the nation how good she was? Is it not obvious that they would have done more good to have acknowledged how good she is, when she was alive and able to make her contribution more effective, had they all been working together?
And now we have politicians of all shades and hues and parties, coming to make their case about how 'dangerous' their job is, and, no doubt, to insinuate how 'grateful' the ordinary citizens should be, that they are taking such risk on their behalf.
All rubbish. Probably the biggest threat to politicians, is still the risk of them becoming corrupted.
My condolences to the Cox family, who, I also believe, would have wanted more acknowledgement and appreciation to be shown to Mr Bernard Carter-Kenny and his family.
Hopefully Mr Carter-Kenny will have a full recovery and be able to get on with living the rest of his life happily.
Staying strong!
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