And so, humans finding themselves being capable of conscious thought and the ability to reflect on their past, while being contemplative of their future, and marvelled at this and the universe in which we find ourselves.
How beautiful, is our refrain, as we observe the apparent symmetry in our observable world. As we, or rather our ancestors marvel at the light and the life enabling powers of the Sun, of the Moon and of the constellation of the stars, and witness the crucial role of the seasons, it probably was only logical that their perception of what they could see and contemplation of what they could not see, would have soon enough, given birth to the then apparently 'rational belief', but now apparently 'illogical belief' that there was some unseen master at work.
Humans or rather, the sages, the soothsayers, the holy men, et al, et al, amongst them, went in search of the 'unseen master', the supposed 'creator' of this cleverly and masterly designed world and universes, and end up 'creating' and giving live to gods of their of own making. With the more apparently logical ones, such as the Vikings, the Greeks, the Romans, et al, forming the view that one god could not possibly be responsible for and be in control of everything, and evolved the creating different gods, such as the god of fertility, war, the underworld, et al.
Of course, there is something very paradoxical that humans, while pronouncing that they were created by god or the gods, should end up doing some 'creating' of their own; that of creating the gods which they have then ascribed 'their own creation' to. You cannot get more paradoxical and convoluted than that, but, that is very much a profound reflection of humans; their ability to contradict themselves.
And all of this is in search of humans aspiring to find logic and rationality in an existence which is not intended to meet the conditions of human's 'rational thinking.' It is true that, by a process of evolution, humans have evolved from basic, instinctive-type intelligence, into the highest form of intellect to date, but we cannot escape our basic origins. In the dawn of time, it was possible for us, not knowing better, since our intellect and scientific development was not as advanced as they are today, accept as 'natural' the premis of their being an unseen master who had created our observable world.
However, empowered as we are today, with the development of our intellect and of science and the knowledge which has been gained from, let us say, explorations into the heavens where god is presumed to exist, we cannot continue to take the existence of the gods as self-evident, without committing self-deception on a grand scale, or continuing to give credence to 'creation myths' which have no logical basis.
And what does all of this tells me? That the tenuous and very short lives that we, as humans, but which is also common to other living species, have on the earth, is something which we should endeavour to live fully and enjoyably as we can.
It does not make any sense to voluntarily suffer or wilfully cause harm to others, because of ones commitment to to any religious faith and/or political ideology. The greatest principle for living ones life should be to create and extract the maximum amount of enjoyment for oneself, and for others.
Forget the gods and eschew any enduring contemplation of any other life, which might distract you from living the only life you will ever have, as fully and enjoyably as you can.
Remember as well, that there is really no reason why our lives or existence should have anymore mystery or esotericism than that of, say, a cat, a pig, or a gorilla, simply because we have the intellect and bodies to develop more advanced societies than they can.
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