Wednesday, 8 June 2016


Public spaces should be protected as a human rights issue?

Now, I am not sure if RT - Russian Television channel - is right about this, and, if so, the extent to which they are accurate, but, on 07/06/2016, there was a report on the channel, stating that London's previous public spaces, including parks, are increasingly becoming privitised spaces, which are owned by foreign investors and governments.

Can this really be the case, that, without many of London's residents and the British people in general, being aware of it, the very roads on which they walk in London, and the very parks and open spaces on which they might sit to rest their tired and weary legs and enjoy a beautiful sunny day and inhale the joys of Spring and visual verdance and colours of Summer, is being privatised?

First the local authorities in Britain's capital and central government allowed the local residents of the country's Capital to be priced out of the housing market by an influx; yes, a swarm of filthy rich and most probably corrupt foreigners from all parts of the globe, in their quest to 'assetise'  all or most of the property in London and turn it into investment, first and foremost, and only secondly, into homes for their crooked class. And now, almost, it would seem, imperceptibly, the native political class which is in charge in the Capital, are allowing rampant 'free market' principles to create the conditions whereby public land and spaces are being privatised by the corrupt and greedy 'landed class' of foreign real estate owners?

This is clearly an extremely serious matter, because, it certainly risk having London's local governments playing second fiddle to their 'unaccountable' wealth foreign investors, whether they be governments, property cartels or individuals. It could,if it is not already happening, mean that London is being run on behalf of and in the best interest of the their wealthy investors, instead of in the best interests of the people of London, and, especially the ordinary citizens.

This is a challenge for the newly elected Mayor of London, Mayor Khan, to address; that of whether London is to be governed - or, probably more accurately, managed and run - on behalf of the wealth foreign expatriates who are buying it up as real estate and investment, or on behalf of the citizens of the Capital? Democracy might be deciding which political party his the mayorship of the Capital, but it seems clear that it is the wealthy land owning class which has the real power; both political and economic.

The people of London need to reclaim their boroughs, because, if they do not set about doing so now, the time might come when they will have to  rise up and reclaim what has been robbed from them by the 'robber barons', aided and abetted by the negligence of their local authorities and central government.

How ironic it is, that, within 3 decades of Margaret Thatcher's espousal of turning Britain into a 'property owning' democracy, on the basis that, if the people are able to own their own homes, they would become more responsible citizens, and be given less to rioting and burning down their own properties, that, in London, another Conservative government should appear to be proffering the opposite philosophy; that of ensuring that the people of London are unable to own their own homes?

If all or most of the land upon which we walk, is privatised, how long before these greedy rodents will conspire to privatise the air we breathe and force us to pay for it?

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