The shock is nearly unimaginable, because none of us - except probably the human-shaped demons who have given birth to and murdering their way to maintain their sick ideology- can comprehend what could move an ordinary American- born guy of Afghan origins, to buy guns and ammunition and cold bloodedly slaughter his fellow Americans. Yes, what could move a person, an apparently decent human to take his basic and common humanity, his compassion, his love for his family and for himself, and, like a dirty underpant, chuck them into the rubbish or garbage bin, and take out his weapons and commit mass murder?
How does a human prepare himself or allow himself to be prepared for such a crime against humanity? Yes, it behove and astound me. You have to have some deep and profound defect in your psychological and neurological make-up, a void where your conscience should have been, to be able to immerse yourself into slaughtering your fellow humans on such a horrendous scale. To declare a one-person war on the rest of the human race, having given up your subscription to continue to belong to this race. The ordinary person would find it extremely difficult to slaughter animals on this scale, never mind his/her former specie.
Probably the most worrying - and god knows, as they say, that there probably in not much that can be more worrying than an atrocity such as this - thing about all of these outrages - Paris, London, Moscow, Boston, Orlando, et al - is that it is not a matter of whether there will be more, but that there are certain to be others.
The problem is that, like Omar Mateen, the 'agent of destruction' can be anybody; absolutely anybody. The agent/s of destruction do not have to 'be foreigners'; they can be bred and born nationals of the countries in which they perpetrate their crimes. It is not really about their 'countries of origins' ,or even their ethnic origins, or even their ascribed categorisation of being 'Muslim.' No, the real enemy, in this case, is the pernicious ideology of Daesh/'Islamic State' and its manipulation of those Muslims who are too gullible and ignorant to believe the heretical and inhuman doctrine they are propagating.
The fact that this mad man, this 'formerly human' has slaughtered and injured people who were from the LGBT community does not, for one nanosecond, detracts from the enormity of his crime. They ordinary were humans, with all the positive and negative attributes of other ordinary humans. It is this story which all religions that ostracise homosexuality needs to preach.
The Imams need to extol the basic common humanity of all humans, irrespective of their gender and sexual orientation. They, and, yes, the other religions, such as Christianity, which continues to ostracise homosexuals and become over involved in the private lives of their devotees, need to remove this source of prejudice from their holy book and doctrines. If the Imams preach it and the Quran states it, then there will always be the ignorant and mad or or psychologically programmed devotees who will use it as a pretext to commit murder.
Of course, people like Mateen,arguably, are not really devoted Muslims, rather, they are simply the 'expedient' and incidental 'agents of death' for the organisations which are manipulating them, whether it be Daesh, IS, Hamas, Al Nustra, et al.
The only effective strategy to or reduce the frequency of these outrages, is to have a comprehensive strategy to defeat the 'hate ideologies' which are using 'empty vessels' like Mateen, to further their causes.
In the meantime, sadly, the climate of suspicion amongst families, communities and peoples of different ethnic origins, cultures and religious faiths, will increase, as the level of trust diminishes, which we are required, for our own safety and that of others, to be more guarded and vigilant.
How is it that the things that seem to separate people most, are things which occurred in the distant past, but continue to blight the future of humans, as if they have placed a curse on future generations?
The greatest expression of freedom could be to be freed of all religions and their dogmas.
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