Saturday, 25 June 2016


Consider this:

It would appear that millions of the British electorate - but definitely not the 16.14 millions who voted to remain - probably  with minds which had become clouded by their immediate fears and precarious living, have given way to their emotions and voted for Britain to leave the European Union. They had and probably are still hoping that this decision will lead Britain to utopia, but they cannot be sure of that. Indeed, following the now on-going adverse reaction and increased uncertainties after the decision to leave, the more prudent and hindsighted ones amongst the Brexiters might well be wondering - 'have we done the right thing?' or, 'what have we done.? It is, however, too late for hindsight.

Arguably, the voters who voted to leave, did not sufficiently bothered themselves with the technicalities and the resources and renegotiation which would be needed to give effect to their wanting to leave the EU; like Judges who pass their judgements and leave local authorities, e.g., to find the resources to implement their decisions, the Brexiters, although not 'trusting governments', rather negligently leave this most onerous and unprecedented task to 'the government', not even knowing which one.

What is my point, you might now be thinking. It is this, that millions of Brexiter voters were guided by what I would consider to be emotions negatively expressed in the form of anger, resentment and hatred. Psychologists might say many of them had cast their votes while having their 'parental' persona in the ascendency, instead of 'the adult persona' which is capable of making more objective decisions.

And, this is the even bigger danger; that the European Union's bureaucrats, and some European government ministers, in their own emotional reaction to half of the British people wanting to leave and getting their way, are in danger of making a bad situation worse. 

They want to punish the British for daring to choose to leave. In this respect, the EU and some European government ministers are behaving like 'affronted parents', and eschewing the adult response which is needed to contain the damage which has been done, and then work together, with the British and other relevant countries, to improve the damaged relationships and continue to working to make the world a better place.

Britain, Europe and the EU - despite what Junker is saying - needs to take some time out to reflect on the situation and make a pragmatic approach to resolving it. This is no time for ultimatums about whether or not Britain should leave immediately. Any further precipitous action can only cause additional damage.

Adult, and prudent adult action is needed. Now is the time to stop acting like irresponsible children.

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