Monday, 4 July 2016


Cooperating and building together ensures prosperity; separation and conflict results in destruction and poverty, giving rise to more conflict, destruction and poverty....

As human beings, depending on our geographical, cultural, ethnic characteristics,  educational and political origins, are very diverse, except in the most essential of our attributes. The fact that we all are susceptible to pain, distress, sadness, sickness and death. More positively, we, as humans, share the ability to express our joy, our delight, our happiness when something pleases us or appeals to us. Be it the birth of a baby, the unlikely rescue a person, even a stranger, from the clutches of death, the opening of a new dam which is going bring water to irrigate our parched fields and bring more food and prosperity to our village, the building of a new school which is going to educate our children, or when a son or a daughter or other relative gets accepted to go this or that school, or college or university, or a father or mother gets a job.

As human beings, we should  all know what it is like to feel pain, love and to dream and be able to work diligently to realise our dreams - unless we have none, in which case we might find it difficult to empathise with those who have dreams. This is most probably the case wherever in this world we are living, and within whichever type of society.

If we cut ourselves of from others, we end up preserving our prejudices and myths about them - as well as theirs about us - and deprive ourselves and them of the benefits of coming together, building together and expressing our shared humanity.  What can  be so unreasonable about having and giving expression to such a dream, instead of taking comfort in the misconceptions about 'them being different', and magnification of their 'differentness'?

The human condition stipulates that we are, to many degrees, the products of our particular originating worldview.  We are, in effect, socialised and acculturised into becoming the nation of people were are, even though some individuals and group of individuals will have escaped the conformistic hold of this process.  

This suggests that, although the process and effect of socialisation and acculturisation can take many generations and even centuries, we, humans, are able change our condition and make it even better.

Live your life as peacefully as you can, endeavouring to enjoy as much of it as you can, and, if you will, work at making your contribution, however small, to improving the 'human condition.'

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