The thought of a mad person, someone who, before now, might have been thought of as a fellow human, taking a truck and using it to kill scores of innocent humans, women, children and men, is extremely difficult to comprehend. It is an act which is too callous, too barbarous, too inhuman; so much so that it beggars belief. It is a truly incredulous act.
What madness, what evil could have replaced the conscience of such a person that causes him to relinquish his membership of the human race, and become the living embodiment of evil incarnate? To commit such a despicable crime? To slaughter so many humans in such a brutal and callous manner? Why?
It is difficult to comprehend how such a man, who was born of woman, loved by his mother, his father, and his family, could have climbed into a truck, casually threw his humanity out of the window and clothed himself in demonhood of the worse kind, and then drove off to use his truck to crush the lives out of so many innocent humans and rob their families and humanity of our sense of 'security', and causes us to question, again, our belief in the essential virtue of our specie.
This barbarous act is no 'jihadist' act; it is the act of a mad; a demonified former human. It is not, and this is something we humans need to hold onto as a self-evident truth, the typical act of a typical human. This kind of barbarity is not representative of or defines our essence as humans. It is the kind of act we would have expected of Hitler and the like-minded subhumans he gathered around him, and who were attracted to him.
This atrocious act has no political or military value, for Daesh/IS, beyond that of spreading or trying to spread anarchy and fear. It can only bring people together; people of different cultures, religious persuasions and political affiliations, because it threatens all and benefits none.
Unfortunately, it is not the kind of act which anybody or government can readily predict and try to prevent. The best way of challenging and fighting this kind of madness, is for everybody, absolutely everybody, to be mindful of the fact that there are mad people among us, a small percentage, but still mad and potentially extremely dangerous few, for whom we need to be watchful and vigilant.
These few can be within our own families and or friendship groups and acquaintances. We need to be willing to name them and inform the authorities, if we have become concerned that we might have identified one of these mad persons, before they have the chance to display their inhuman madness.
All reasonable humans, which is the greatest majority of us, are likely to be extremely saddened by this catastrophic loss of life, and the particularly brutal manner in which this mad man destroyed their lives and injured others.
May the bereaved find the strength and received the support they need to mourn and, in time, recover from their grievous loss, and be able to live the rest of their lives.
There are still, and probably will always be more good people in the world than those who have made doing evil their forte, and this is what gives humans hope of a better future.
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