Saturday, 16 July 2016


The migrant should expect to give up some of their conflictual and potentially conflictual ways of life, for the security of the host country, if they are to avoid recreating the conflicts from which they are fleeing.

So, the migrant travelled from afar, braving and risking his/her life by entrusting it and that of her/his children into the clammy and deadly hands of the people smugglers, hoping to be taken to the promised land. A land free of war, free of death and destruction. A promised land where,they hope, there  will be good samaritans waiting to welcome them, like long lost  relatives, and usher them into places of warmth, with food to eat, water to quench their thirst, and a quiet place for them to cry and release their pent up frustration, fear and anger. All of which have become so much a part of them during the days, and weeks and months which they have travelled to get to this, the promise land.

But now, the migrants are told that they are not welcome anymore, because they have become too many in numbers; that the 'eligible' ones among them, which are, indeed, probably most of them, have become undesirable. Because of the trouble makers among them, the fear about religious extremists using them as 'trojan horses, and the fact that the pressure of helping them have nearly exhausted the goodwill and hospitality of their hosts. 

And so the migrants, having left their own countries and presenting themselves to their apprehensive hosts, hoping that they will not turn us away, but will be allowed to remain in the host country, and adorn themselves with their safety, with their security, and work to have as good a life as them, find that the 'welcome mat' has been removed, and that they are increasingly viewed with suspicion.. 

And yes, the migrants know, or should know that there are some of their customs and ways of life which they shall have to give up, in exchange for this new life their hosts are offering them; in case they, the migrants, go about recreating the kind of life, insecurity, hatred, and destruction which they are fleeing from, and hoping never to have to contemplate again.

Within us humans, lies the seeds of our eventual destruction or salvation. 'Our' thoughts and our ideas, our worldviews are all capable of setting us free from fear, superstition, poverty and ignorance. In order to free ourselves from the bondage of our way of perceiving the world, we need to endeavour to free ourselves of the dictate of religions and those who use it to enslave our minds and cause us not to realise our full developmental potential as humans.

It is not an accident that causes the northern world to be richer than the southern world. It is because the southern world, the world which is not predominantly white, is too subservient to religion and servile towards those who exploit it for their own power and riches. Less religion and more freedom and prosperity.

Live your life as happily as you can and strive to let no man or woman uses any religion to imprison your mind and rob you of your enjoyment of this life; your only life.

Remember, also, that however unlikely it might seem, you and me, or our children or children's children, could be tomorrow's migrants, and that we, and them, would have wanted to be welcome with hospitality.

Endeavour to free your mind of religion, politics and hatred as much as you can, so that you may find happiness.


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