Friday, 22 July 2016


Today is another day, which will be different  for different people, as no two lives, unless probably for identical twins are likely to be the same. For some of us today will be a bright and sunny, which might be complementing the joy and happiness we are feeling. For others it might be bright and sunny outside, while in our minds and our hearts, as it were, we are filled with sadness of people and things lost to us, either in their entirety or partially, or we might be grieving for functions of mind, intellect and body which have become impaired and not what they used to be.

For still others today might be too sunny or too rainy so that they become like a curse because you might be inundated with water and unable to find enough shelter from it, or the sun might be too hot and there are too little shelter from its oppressive heat coupled with too little water to quench your heightened thirst, or that of your livestock and the crops you are so dependent on, for your and others livelihood.

And yet, today is really another day; a day which finds you alive and presents you with another opportunity to do some of things which you might have planned and hoped to have done yesterday or the day before that but did not quite  accomplished, for whatever reason.

And just as how each day time and space are fated to snatch some of us from the landscape of the life of the living, so is each day an opportunity for each of us to endeavour to take the opportunity to snatch some joy, some happiness and satisfaction from another day with which we are blessed, even as we contemplated that there might be those among us who might perceive 'another day', not as a blessing but as a curse, because they are unable and/or unwilling to gird themselves with the desire and, if you will, lust to live their lives to the full.

Endeavour to live the life you have as enjoyably as you can, even  as you might be aspiring to acquire a better life than the one you have. Remember that, the more numerous are your desires, the greater are the chances that you will not find the happiness or satisfaction you desire.

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