Tuesday, 26 July 2016


Conflicted and disingenuous Bernie Sanders' supporters can secure a Donald Trump presidency by either voting for him or not voting. The prudent and strategic option is to vote for Hillary Clinton.

Probably the greatest threat to America's still unfulfilled promise of hope for millions of her citizens, and for people around the world, is the danger of disgruntled and disillusioned Bernie Sanders supporters opting out of voting in the Presidential election, or casting a vote for Donald Trump. Of course, it is really the case that, every Bernie Sanders supporter and anti-Clinton electorate who does not vote, will have actually voted for Donald Trump and despair.

The analysis and conclusion which every Bernie Sanders supporter needs to take to heart - and intellect - is really simple. It is this; yes, you and others would dearly like for Bernie Sanders to have been the DNC's Presidential nominee. That would be fantastic and would have been a dream come true. 

But, no, the reality is that for various reasons, including probably the DNC being biased against Bernie Sanders, the fact that his programme and ideas are still too progressive or radical for millions of conservative American electorate, and that he belongs to the Democratic Party, and does not have his own Party, the electorate in the primaries, and Democratic Party hierarchy, have given Hillary Clinton more support than Bernie Sanders. 

Bernie Sanders, as a result of losing in the primaries, has had to decide how he and you - his supporters - can best retain some of the achievements his 'movemernt' has made during the campaign, with a view to making further gains, and, probably being victorious - in the campaigns ahead.  

This requires Bernie Sanders to take a pragmatic - not an idealistic - approach, since this is what is required at this critical stage of the 'movement's' development and progress. 

Bernie has two options.  That of the 'political infantilist', who goes into a tantrum and take the position of being a spoiler and refuse to support the DP, with the likely outcome being to increase the chances of Donald Trump and the Republicons winning the election. Which would make the chances of Bernie Sanders 'movement' - if it is not destroyed in the process - immensely more difficult in any future campaigns.  

Clearly, this is not the option which anybody who has respect for their political intellect would opt for. Bernie would have been doing himself and the 'moverment', and, indeed, the America he is fighting for, a great disservice, if he were to opt for this option.

The second option which Bernie Sanders could take, is that of reprioritising which of his 'political enemies' pose the greatest threat to the 'movement', at this crucial juncture in its fight to realise the kind of America it is striving to realise, and to organise and concentrate all of its resources on defeating that 'political enemy.' 

It is clear that it is Donald Trump and the Republicons who embody that threat, and not Hilary Clinton and the Democratic Party. It is also clear that that threat could become an 'existentialist' one for progressive forces such as that represented by the 'movement' which Bernie Sanders is leading. 

This option is the one which Bernie Sanders has chosen, and, it is, without a doubt, the appropriate option for fighting off the imminent threats which are arrayed, not just against his 'movement', but the Democratic Party and America. The alliance between Bernie and Clinton is not simply an alliance of  convenience; it is an alliance of necessity and possibly their mutual political survival. It is both a tactical and a strategic alliance.

The choice should be clear for all those genuine Bernie Sanders who want the 'movement' to survive and fight the 2020 and other Presidential election. It is this: Vote for the Democratic Party if you support Bernie Sanders and the America he is fighting for. Alternative, if you are more motivated by your hatred or disapproval of Hillary Clinton than your commitment to the better America which Bernie is fighting for, and is a 'secret supporter, of Donald Trump and the Republicons, then either vote for DT or do not vote at all.

That is really it. Some Bernie Sanders' supporters  tolerate Hillary Clinton, but, for now, she is alot  less politically odious than Donald Trump and his Republicon Party, and is the most advantageous political ally.

The decision of whether to vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump needs to be a tactical and strategic one, and not one made on an emotional basis

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