Our ancestors looked for god in the heavens, but what happens when humans develops the capability to travel to the heavens? Does god recedes further into the outreaches of space and become more distant?
Hi, god, thanks for taking the time to have
this conversation with me. Please forgive me is I appear a bit preoccupied and
even slightly apprehensive, as this is
due to the fact that, no sooner do I begin to formulate a question or follow a
line of thought, than I begin to think, do you already know what I am about to
ask you or the line of thought I intend to follow. That, as you can imagine,
leaves me somewhat disconcerted.
It is probably right that we should begin
by giving each other a brief outline of who we are, although, again, you might
already know who I am or presumed to be, as I have been told that you know
everything and is omnipotent. That as it may, please allow me to begin. Well,
as you can see, I am a man of a certain age, who has worked as a social worker,
and spend a fair amount of my time blogging, under the nom de querre of ‘Taku2u’
and ‘Owohrod.’
My philosophy, if there be such a thing, is
that of being a humanist, a person who believes that humans find their fullest
potential in working to achieve their own
happiness and fulfillment and that of their fellow humans. My worldview
or, as the Germans call it, weltanschauung, is that, notwithstanding the
arguably, great intellectual capacity of humans, the specie to which I belong,
and our ability to manipulate our physical environments and to reason, we do
not survive beyond the stage where our physical bodies die. Yes, I am aware
that some humans argue to the contrary, and this is something I would like to
discuss with you later on.
I might also add, god, that I am one of
those humans who do not believe in a creating god; a god who, as theists
believe, created ‘the heavens and the earth and all that there is in and
outside of them.’ As the Christians believe their god had done. It might seem incongruous, incredible and/or even
disrespectful, god, but I have to tell you, although you might already know it,
but I do not believe in your existence as a sentient and all powerful being who
knows everything, and has power over everything and everybody. Again, this is
something I would like to explore with you further in our conversation.
Why, then, you might ask, god, am I having
this imaginary conversation with you? Am I not fearful that you will smite me;
me who dare to question you? Me, a mere human, both imperfect and perishable,
daring to ask of you what is your true nature, and the purpose of humans and
the world?
Be that as it may, god, I am working on the
basis that, unless you are an evil god, you might not be given to smiting a
human simple because he/she dares to attempt to have a frank and open
discussion with you, in the quest to gain knowledge and increase their
understanding and wisdom. After all, might it not be said that the quest to for
god is the quest for ultimate knowledge, although different humans might go
about it differently, and might also have entirely different perceptions of
your true nature and attributes?
To be continued.
Try and avoid allowing fear and superstition to prevent you asking and endeavouring to find your answers to the big questions, such as, does god exists, and, if so, in what form and significance?
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