These ancient stones do not speak for themselves, and neither do the gods for whom the priests presume to speak. What lesson should contemporary humans draw from this?
Why do I not believe in you, you are probably wondering, god?
Well, there are reasons to do with metaphysicality, rationality and science.
You see, god, I find myself having to decide, if I must, and I have chosen to, between two extremes, as it were. On the one hand, there are those among us who believe that the earth and the universes and all that there are in and outside of them, were created by you. These humans are called the ‘creationist’, and pay homage to you for the wonders of the earth and the universes.
Then, on the other side, there are those among us humans, who do not believe that you or any other god created the earth and the universes, but that they have their origins in an evolutionary process. These humans, as you probably already know, god, are called the ‘evolutionists.’ Again, as you probably already surmise, I stand with the evolutionists, in accounting for the existence of the earth and all living creatures.
I apologise for doing most of the talking sofar, god, which is probably due to the imaginary nature of this conversation. Yet, please allow me to explain my dilemma, which is one with which humans have struggled since we evolved the ability to think and reflect. If, as the creationists contend, you created the world and, in the words recorded in the Biblical book of Genisis, made man from clay and breathed life into him, before taking pity on him and pulling out one of his ribs and fashioned it into a woman, for his mate, that still does not address the question of how you came into being.
Are us humans to assume, god, that you made yourself, or that you came into existence through a kind of ‘spontaneous materialisation’ or ‘entityisation?’ You see, god, us humans struggle with the concept of ‘intelligent and sentient beings or entities, being spontaneously generated out of ‘nothingness.’
And yes, god, I can almost hear you saying to me, well, why do I find it difficult to accept the proposition that you came into existence as a result of spontaneous generation or existence, but seem to be partial to that which postulates that humans came into existence as a result of the ‘Big Bang theory’, which, I suspect, god, creationists might prefer to call the ‘basically bad theory.'
What make it more probably that I and my specie, being materialized energy, should evolve out of de-materialised, or pre-materilised energy into sentient beings, having gone through a number of evolutionary stages, going back to a single cell ameba, you might ask, god. In response to which I would argue that, it is a matter of probability. I would not seek to deny that both the theories of 'creation' and 'evolution' are very challenging, and pose still unanswered questions.
To be continued
Who or whatever is your god, do not be afraid to to ask directly of him/her/it for answers to the questions you need to have answered. If your god cannot answer your questions, consider what this could imply.
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