Women and should have parity with men, as they lives have been made more onerous than men, by men and nature, resulting in their span of the bridge being more critical.
In my relationships and association with women, one of the things I have been struck by most, is that it appears that many, if not most women, would like to be men; at least, if they could be born again.
At the same time I cannot ever recall thinking that I would like to be a woman, or recall any man - excluding transgenders - voicing a preference for being a woman, as opposed to the man they are.
All of this is despite the fact that I love the company and attention of women, and would be so much less of a rounded human without benefiting from the role of women - as mother, grandmother, wife, companion, daughter, sisters, relatives, work colleagues, et al - in my life.
So, why is it that men, while professing our dying love for our women, in the past, making wars because of them, in the present committing serious and poignant crimes when we lose them, oppressing them because of our adherence to anachronistic religious and cultural beliefs, and being seduced to go on jihad because of the promise of being rewarded with them, have no desire to swap their lives, their manhood for womanhood?
If us men, love our women as much as we profess to do, how is it that we have or seem to have little or no desire to become a woman? Yes, I am aware of the fact that a man might love his horse, or his dog or cat, but, reasonably, has no desire to want to be one. That a master or slave owner might profess to loving him/her servants or slaves, but has no wish to become like them or take their places.
But, could that, the reason why a man might love his dog but still would not want to become a dog, be part of the answer? Might it be that the man, although loving his animal, is also aware of the fact that the life and status of a dog, or a horse or cat, or a servant or slave is, in society, held to be of lower esteem than that of a man, especially a 'free man'?
Just in terms of her biology, a woman has to contend with so much more - her looks, her menstrual cycle and needs, her physique, contending with giving birth - than a man, that her life is so much more difficult and challenging than that of a man.
And then we add the other roles and duties which societies place on and socialise men and women into accepting or perceiving as 'normal.', Roles and responsibilities which are founded on and/or 'legitimised' on religious beliefs and biology. Roles and responsibilities such as motherhood, primary carer of children, home-maker and keeper, cook, server of men's sexual desire and needs, saint, submissive, provider of less expensive labour, and second class citizen, to name just some.
So, then, we can ask ourselves, why is it that men, desirous as they are of the love and affection of a devoted woman, are themselves not desirous of being like or becoming a woman?
Life tends to be an uphill path for women
But, probably just as important, the desire of men not to be or be like their women, is due to the fact that women have been 'inferiorised' and oppressed by all human societies, and no or very few men would willingly want to change place with women.
That is an enigmatic and sad state of affairs, as the role of women in promulgating the survival of the human specie, is, arguably, of greater importance than than of puny man.
The need to challenge and defeat men's perception women's role in the world, according to man
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