A person is a reflection of their culture, of what they believe and how they live their lives. A bridge between the past and the future, between time and space and needs to try to keep them in harmony, less they become unbalanced. Not to be aware of the past and give it due consideration in the building of the future can distort the future. Neither is it wise to sacrifice your future because you choose to live in or as if you are in the past. One World One Human Race One Destiny (OWOHROD)
Friday, 29 July 2016
Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany, is probably the most powerful leader in Europe; at least within the context of the European Union. Arguably, she is miles ahead of the French President, Francois Hollande, who, confronted with the continuing attacks by the vacuous and demonic lost souls who submit themselves to be the unquestioning, unthinking weapons of Daesh/Isis, is constantly being reactive and militaristic in his response.
Yes, it is also the case that the French dilemma is more complex than that of the Germans, due to the on-going conflict streams feeding into it from France's Middle East and African colonial history. Which is all the more reasons why the French needs to have very good leadership.
Not so for Angela Merkel, it seems, confronted with the twin dilemmas or challenges of a massive migrant problem for Europe and her country, in particular, Merkel has taken a bit of time to decide how Germany should respond, and, accordingly, made her decision and set about implementing it.
Other countries, such as Britain and some smaller countries within the European Union have baulked at the German leader and set about building fences to keep the hapless migrants out, but Merkel has remained steadfast in her plan about how both Germany and the EU, as a whole, should respond to the migrant crisis
It is true that Germany has not had to, yet, and hopefully will not have to confront the more frequent and deadly attacks which her French neighbour is having to contend with. However, Germany, like France, is having to contend with the strong opposition from the rightist and conservative sectors of her society, as well as, I would suspect, the second thoughts which the left and probably the centre of the German political spectrum might be having, and might have, if the terror attacks continue.
I still remember Angela Merkel being confronted by that crying young Syrian migrant, who, I seem to recall, wanted to know why, at that time, Germany was treating migrants the way it was, then. I recalled that the German leader, in effect, and probably as compassionately as she could, tried to explain that her country had to follow the rules of the policy it was then pursuing.
That, probably cathartic encounter between Angela Merkel and that young girl, seemed to be a very long time ago, with Germany, under Merkel, now having and seemingly operating, if not an open door policy towards the migrants, probably the most welcoming policy toward them.
Angela Merkel, as we can see from her recent reiteration that Germany will stand by her migrant policy, irrespective of the attacks from terrorist, is offering the kind of resolute and compassionate leadership which all Germans should probably be proud of. It is also something which other European leaders and governments, including Britain, whose Brexit vote to leave the European Union was probably largely fuelled by anti-immigrant sentiments, ought to aspire towards and consider emulating.
How fitting that the Germany which many countries had feared in the past, - and some still do - and whose economic achievements some have envied and resented, should now become the very conscience of Europe? Along with, I should add, smaller and/or poorer countries such as Greece and Italy?
It probably goes without saying that there will be more terrorist outrages in Europe, and that for each of the affected countries, each time these atrocities occur, their people will, quite naturally, reflect on the impact increased immigration is and is likely to have on them and their country. They will then consider the cost, which, it is the responsibility of their government, to try to ensure it will not exceed the benefits; both in economic and moral terms. The will always be a difficult balancing act, since the impact of an atrocity is immediate, even though the response can oftentimes have long-term impact.
The benefits of the country's immigration policy, however, is more likely to be fully realised in the long-term; providing Germany also implement the appropriate, yes, let me be frank, 'social engineering' social policies which are necessary to help her immigrant populations to settle, co-exist with the native German population and make their loyalty to their host country their first priority. This is crucial.
Because migration, of itself, and especially when it is being driven by poverty, conflict and war, can increasingly affect the migrants' mental health, it will be crucial for Germany, and other countries, to put adequate resources into meeting the migrants' mental health needs. This could have the positive impact of restricting the success of Daesh/Isis in recruiting loss souls to callous murdering of innocent people, and forfeiting their own lives in this tragic and mindless pursuit.
To Angela Merkel, I say, Europe and the migrants who are being given new home and hope in Germany, and other countries, owe you a debt of gratitude for your prudent, compassionate and courageous lead on this issue. To the German people, I say, yes, it is the case that you do have to pay a price for this compassionate policy, including its impact on your national psyche and social, political and economic lives.
This, I believe, is a challenge which the German people can successfully resolve, with the necessary continuing goodwill and appropriate planning to realise a changed, but still cohesive and peaceful Germany.
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