No help is coming from the heavens for the desperate people of Iraq, so, to whom and/or what can they turn?
Oh desperate and despairing people of Iraq, how the rest of the more peaceful world are shocked by new outrages which have been perpetuated upon you even as you desperately try to navigate your way to an oasis of peace, and continue to find only mirages which are used as cover by the deadly forces of terrorism and sectarian conflict.
Is there to be no end to this madness, you and the rest of the world ask? Only to be answered by another outrage from the forces of possibly Sunni supported extremists who occupation of to kill your sons and daughters, your mothers and fathers, and to destroy what diminished infra-structure you cling to, in your constant struggle to achieve peace and rebuild your devastated nation.
And what have ordinary Iraqis done to deserve this cruel fate, where ordinary people are looking for safety and security as they try to survive each day for which they, thankfully, find themselves amongst the living, still living? Who would have thought that, this most terrible of fate, would have been bestowed upon you, the people of Iraq, the ordinary people of Iraq, by none other than the governments of the United States, of Britain and their coalition partners from other European and Arab countries?
And for no other purported reason than to destroy one man and his regime;Saddam Hussein, and, many people believe, to gain more control of the region's oil resources. Did they, the Americans, the British, and the others, knew that the destruction of Saddam Hussein and his regime, would have had to be paid for by the lives of millions of Iraqis - much the same way as UN sanctions had, before 2003, demanded the lives of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children, women and men - and condemn the nation to, so far, 13 years of post-Saddam conflict and de-evolution?
How is it that Allah - indeed, all the gods - has continued to stand aside, while his devotees, Sunni, Shiites, Christians and others, are callously and casually slaughtered in their tens, in their hundreds and in their thousands, with apparently no end in sight to this catastrophic situation? Where being killed and maimed or being in fear of it has become the norm?
Are the people, the innocent people of Iraq been cursed to suffer this dreadful fate for generations to come, and, if so, what dreadful crime have they and/or their ancestors committed to warrant such a terrible and enduring punishment?
While it is true that the people of Iraq need to look to the future, since their recent past and their present is so terrible, it is still instructive to have a brief look at what had gone on before, and the American and British governments' rationale for having inflicted, even if unintentional, this most terrible of disaster on the people of Iraq. Why these countries resorted to punishing the people of Iraq, for the sins and alleged sins of their former ruler; Saddam Hussein. And how the subsequent events and tragedies in Yemen, Libya and Syria, suggest that it cannot be explained by simply seeing it as a matter of the 'unintentional' and/or 'unforeseen consequences of conflict.'
To be continued
The people of Iraq are searching for the bridge of peace, but are divided by their manipulating and self-serving 'leaders'?
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