Wednesday, 31 August 2016


We all have some control or influence over how we get to our destination.

The Muslims have a saying, inshallah, which, as I understand it, means Allah willing or it is the will of Allah. In  other words, some Muslims, and, indeed, people of other faiths, believe that, whatever happens to them in their lives, is the will of Allah or the gods.

You will hear people, reflecting on some major events in their personal lives or unrelated, trying to comprehend it and concluding that 'it must have happened for a reason.' Some people believe that nothing happens without there being an underlying reason, an instructive one, for it happening

Now, while I do believe, to some extent in the concept of 'fate', be it of the gods, as it were, or of our own making, it does seem to me that humans do have some influence over our individual and collective fate. We absolutely do not have any influence over our destiny, which, as every sentient person knows, is to exit the realm of the living when our time come; whether it is at our own or some other persons making.

But not so with the matter of 'fate.' If a person chooses to believe and be guided by the principle that whatever happens to him/her, be it 'good or bad', as it were, it is the will of gods, or Allah, then that person is denying their personal responsibility for their actions and how it impacts on their and other people's living.

If it were so, not only could a person persistently eat and drink to excess, and then becoming obese and unhealthy and disabled with, say an heart attack, or diabetes or a stroke, and places great burden on his/her family, and declare it the will of god. But you could, at the other extreme, have demons like Daesh slaughtering the innocents and declaring it the 'will of Allah.'

Similarly, suppose we leave for a journey which is going to result in us travelling during winter, and do not take any winter clothes, or we intend to travel through an otherwise hostile environment and take no precautions to avoid or counteract the known hazards. Then, if we end up suffering serious harm or dying in the process, our fate will have had more to do with our lack of appropriate preparation, rather than anything to do with the gods.

According to Christianity, the Christian god has relinquished human's autonomy to us, after Adam and Eve ate of the 'tree of life.' Consequently,  we humans are able to have our own thoughts and use it to inform our actions; free of the will of the gods, but having also to take responsibility for the consequences of those actions.

If we go hungry, because we refuse to work for our living, or we suffer famine or drought because we abuse our environment and do not replenish what we have taken from it, we influence the 'fate' we have to endure.

To a greater or lesser extent, we all have some influence over the path or process we follow towards our destiny.

In endeavouring to have the most enjoyable living you can achieve, keep trying to have and exercise the appropriate level of control or influence over the key factors which will determine how successful you become in achieving your goals. Remember that you can influence your and others fate, but not destiny.

It is not given to us to enjoy the destination, so we should endeavour to maximise the pleasure we derive from the journey

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