Saturday 3 September 2016


Morality has never had a secure place in politics, and never will.

Now, it really is the case that Donald Trump and Fox News and all or most of Hillary Clinton's detractors are, understandably, out to milk the controversy surrounding her email/server controversy, for all the political capital they can ring from it.

What is at stake, the media and Donald Tump and the Republicon establishment would have us believe, is the matter of whether Hillary Clinton is trustworthy, honest and above ill-repute. Can se be trusted by the American electorate, they are asking. Is she a honest person, they are also asking, as if politicians, especially those who have been in politics for decades, are known for their trustworthiness and honesty.

As if one would ask a man or a woman who is a parent, if they are virgins, or a veteran who has been in several wars if he/she knows what to do  in war. These things are all taken as given.

So, let us say, that Hillary Clinton, as Donald Trump, the Republicons, Fox News and millions of other Americans believe, is guilty of what she is believed to be guilty of. How is her presumed guilt going to impact on her Presidency, if she were to be elected to the White House? In what way would it make her a better or worse President?

Yes, it is difficult, in my view, to she how any assumed or proven guilt would significantly influenced how Hillary Clinton would exercise her Presidency. Especially as many Americans already are of the view that she will be 'an establishment President', who might move towards reestablishing the pre-Obama status quo, by moving the country back towards the right.

Honest and morality are not qualities which a prudent observer would expect to find in contemporary politics; at least, in any abundant supply. In fact, in order to be an effective and/successful politician, the essential requirements include the capacity to lie effectively, and to be a master at being able to make the electorate repeatedly believe that you really intend and/or have the power to deliver what you are promising them.

And so I have arrived at the conclusion that it does not matter whether or not Hillary Clinton is guilty or innocent of the allegation that she has lied about the email/server issue. Her honesty and integrity are not essential or even desirable requirements to her eligibility to become the next POTUS.

Just a thought.

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