Sunday, 18 November 2018


'Who, in their more contemplative and logical state, would find anything wrong with the statement. 

Let no woman, man or child, argue that God, or the Gods, are more powerful than Man, unless the God/s of whom they speak, is no other than the selfsame Man, who has the power to destroy or save the Man-made world.' 

To the logical mind, that simply does not and would not add up.

If we equate the love of a human for his/her children, and their responsibility to care for and protect the fruits of a woman's womb, as it were. 

Fruits which she has spent up to 9 months nurturing and bringing to fruition. If we equate that process with the man-professed love of the gods, to protect the human fruits of their man-proclaimed creation. 

Then, we cannot but be astounded that these gods simply abandoned us humans.  Who are having to contend with the kind of terrible catastrophe, which the people of Palu and other places are having to endure. 

No amount of attempting to explaining it by citing 'man's free-will', is going to suffice.  Because there is nothing in such calamitous situations which speaks of the love of the gods for their people. 

Them being left to their own devices, which, as it transpires, is their most effective means of helping themselves. 

Which is what we would expect of protective and caring humans; that they do not abandon their charges, their children and families, in their time of need. 

As does appear to be the case with the gods; that they turn their backs when the people, including the faithful, approach them for help, when they see approaching danger.

And so it is that we are confronted with the paradox of a God who can be perceived as choosing not to intervene in the affairs of humans.  

Even when they are confronted with disasters which are not of their own making, and for which the citing of 'free will.'  

Will not be a sufficient and reasonable explanation for the absence of the supposed protective hand of God. 

To be continued!

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