Sunday, 18 November 2018


It is the duty of governments, acting as the guardian and protector of the nation's best interests.  

To not allow itself to embark upon the unobtainable or destructive desire of the electorate.  

Even when it is a small majority of the electorate supporting  what is being asked for. 

If there are times when the perceived or expressed 'democratic will of the people', when considered in the light of all its implications, are deemed not to be in the best interests of the nation as a whole

Then, does it becomes the duty of government to review the situation and offer an alternative option. And one which, on balance, is more consistent with the best interests of the nation?

It is criminally negligent of any government, especially 'a democratic one', to substitute the 'best interests of the nation', with 'the will of the people.' 

To make 'the will of the people', as ascertain at a particular moment in time and space', interchangeable with 'the best interests of this nation.

This clearly is not a logical argument, and it represents dereliction of the duty and responsibility of government, to inform, educate, govern and protect the nation and its people

In this respect, far from being the estimable and brave leader, the latter day Boudica which Mrs May and others might perceive herself to be. 

She is really a destructive and bad leader. Yes, she is strong and courageous in sticking to what she considers to be the desired objective of her battle. 

To deliver the British people and their nation from what some British people see as  oppressive yoke of the European Union And to do so at whatever cost is deemed necessary. 

The problem, in my view, is that Prime Minister May is fighting the 'wrong battle', and for a cause which is not self-evidently the best one for the British people and the world. 

To be continued!

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