Thursday, 22 November 2018


To come between the two countries. No, sorry, not between the two countries, but, rather, between the governments of Saudi Arabia and the United States.

So, what are we to make of President Trump's position on the murder and butchering of Jamal Khoshoggi, apparently and in effect by the government of Saudi Arabia? 

The same government which is responsible for the murder, maiming and starvation of tens of thousands of Yemenis? 

On what basis can or should the President's detractors question and dispute his conclusion and its implications? 

Are they to base their opposition on 'grounds of morality', which even though the President has strong support from the Christian Conservatives. 

Is a morality which has never been a virtuous element in the conduct of government and international affairs? 

Or should they base their opposition on 'grounds of humanity'? 

Even though the seemingly constant outrage about the United State's, Britain's and France's aiding and abetting of the genocidal war in Yemen, has not done anything bring an end to their involvement? 

So, how about challenging the 'money and profit motivated' stance of President Trump.  

In his 'standing with the Saudi regime - a very different situation from 'standing with the people of Saudi Arabia - on the basis of 'pragmatism' or free trade principles?

He is, after all, arguing that doing business with the Saudi Arabian government is good for the United States of America. 

To be continued!

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