Friday, 23 November 2018


And, whereas there is a direct link between his country selling arms to the Saudi government and the genocidal war against the Yemenis.  

There is no such link between the arms selling and the heinous murder of Jamal Khoshoggi.

But there is no denying that the arms trade is providing jobs for thousands of Americans and helping to maintain them and their families. 

This is a fact, and, while we can take issue with the nature of some of the jobs which Saudi money is funding, we cannot dispute the fact that it is creating jobs for Americans. 

Notwithstanding the arguable undesirability of some of them. Yes, when balanced against values such as estimable morality, Saudi money creating thousands of jobs in America's armament industries is worthy of being repudiated. 

But when weighed on the scale of pragmatism, it is worthy of a more nuanced reaction. 

After all, how many Americans working in the arms and associated industries, whose job security is dependent on Saudi arms purchase. 

Would sacrifice their jobs, instead of owning their livelihoods to weapons production and the killing, maiming and destruction of people and their livelihoods? Probably not many.

And, why should President Trump, logically, gives up his country's trading and logistics and strategic relations with Saudi Arabia, when, as he knows only too well. 

To be continued!

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