Monday, 26 November 2018


The British and the French are also steep in trading with the Saudis, and would probably bee keen to take up any slack a 'moralistic' approach by the Americans were to create.

Still continuing along the pragmatist route, President Trump can hardly be expected to wash his hands of the Saudis. 

When his country, along with the British and the French, and, probably the Germans, to a lesser extent, have been busily supplying the Saudis and UAE.  

With all the weapons and logistics they need to kill and maim Yemenis and destroy their country and make it into a failing state. 

If all this killing and destruction of Yemenis and their livelihoods have not moved Americans and the world to bring irresistible pressure on the governments of USA, Saudi, British and French to end the genocidal conflict in Yemen. 

Then why should the foul and despicable murder of Jamal Khoshoggi, become the 'straw which breaks the back of the Saudi camel,? 

What is it about Jamal Khoshoggi, both as a human and as a critic of Saudi oppression.  That would cause his murder by the Saudi regime, to weigh more heavily, be of greater value, as a catalyst for ending the war. 

Than the catastrophic devastation which governments of the United States, Britain, France and Saudi Arabia and its Sunni allies have meted out to the Yemenis?

What is it that Jamal Khoshoggi 'symbolises', that would have allowed him to become the catalyst to negatively impact the cosy and lucrative trading and strategic relationship between the American and Saudi governments? 

To be continued!

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