Thursday, 29 November 2018


This is not something which can be fixed by the Saudi government paying Jamal Khoshoggi 'blood money.' 

It is true that Saudi Arabia's western government allies are motivated by money and trade, in wanting to protect and defend their alliance with the Kingdom. 

However, it is not just about Jamal Khoshoggi and his family. It is about the hundreds, if not thousands of other Saudi citizens who have had terrible injustices done to them, and about their families. 

Whether they are bloggers, human rights advocates, or simply ordinary Saudi citizens.  

Who have been prevented from or punished for daring to live their lives with the kind of freedom which is commonplace in any modern and enlightened country. 

It is also about the hundreds of thousands of Yemenis who have had their lives snuffed out, and their bodies broken.  

And their livelihoods and 'right to life' blighted by the war being waged against them by Saudi Arabia and its allies. 

Are they also going to be awarded 'blood money'?

The best, if not the only way for the government of Saudi Arabia to make amends for the terrible injustices it has wrought upon its own citizens and the people of other nations. 

Is for it to make an irrevocable break with its medieval past. 

For it to renounce the anachronistic and jihadistic version of Islam which it continues to promulgate and use to infect and promote strife in other countries. 

To be continued!

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