Friday, 30 November 2018


For it to remove the religious, political, social and conservative cultural yoke which it is using to deprive its people of their human, political, social and personal rights.

But before it does any of this, the government of Saudi Arabia, beginning with Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman.  

Should first acknowledge and take responsibility for the heinous murder of Jamal Khoshoggi, and for its atrocious war in Yemen. And ask for forgiveness.

This, I believe, is what Allah and Prophet Muhammad would expect of the Guardians of the Kabaa, and other Islamic shrines in Saudi Arabia. 

It is something which is in the power of the Saudi government to deliver to the Saudis. 

Just as how it has used the past to maintain their imprisonment, it can use the future to set them free, by discontinuing and reforming the shackles of past. Including the pernicious religious ones.  

They need to do it, since, while they are not capable of bringing the dead back to life, or making the maimed whole again. 

Do it now, even though it will remove power from those whose interests are purportedly being served by the existing oppressive Saudi system. 

They need to get rid of the evil conditions which are destroying and making people's earthly lives miserable, in all the places where they are perpetrating harmful intrigues.

According to Islam, Allah sees and is seeing all that the Saudi Monarchy is doing to the people. Both the good, and the evil by which it is condemning itself. 

If this Monarchy sees itself as being faithful and loyal to the Allah.  

Then how will it; how will King Salman and Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman account for themselves, and their injustices to those over whom they have so cruelly exerted their power. When they appear before Allah?

One thing they should know well, is that it will not be a sufficient and acceptable defence for them to say to Allah: 'Lord, I did it, though it be evil, in thy name. Have mercy on me.'  

Especially considering that they are not showing any mercy to those who they are now oppressing and destroying.

But those who are having evil done unto them, now, cannot wait for such reckoning. 

And must hope that a spirit of enlightenment and basic respect for human rights and the freedom of the individual to live his/her without the repressive weight of the state.  

Will break out, now, in Saudi Arabia and spread with the same kind of  momentum as did Islam. But without the use of force of arms.

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