Monday, 31 December 2018


I do not have many, if any memories of playing with my dear mother, or of running to her for reassurance, at times of threat or distress. Although those times did, of course, occurred. 

Because, even as I reflect on a past, a previous life, I can almost hear, or think I can hear myself complaining to my dear mother that this or that elder sibling is 'troubling me', 'hitting', 'taking my food', etc. 

Because I do not remember it accurately or vividly, does not mean that it did not happen. 

One of the most significant thing I can recall upto the age of 5-6 years old, is of starting Infant school. 

Which was a small school that just happened to be a matter of only a few yards from a family - neighbour's burial plot. 

Something which added to the extraterrestrial dimension of life in that part of the world, in that age. 

Yes, I enjoyed my infant school days, and still have good memories of the teacher. On whose property the school was situated, although it was no more that a room suitably equipped for the purpose.

The next most significant thing which happened to me, before I was 10 years old, was my dear mother leaving us to join our father across the seas. 

An event which would see us separated from just after I moved to primary school, and lasted for about 3 years.

And now that I have placed myself into the zone, it is probably only as should be expected, that some memories should begin to seep, permeate through my subconsciousness into my consciousness. 

To remind me that, during this period of my journey around my then now physically absent dear mother. 

I and my siblings had the misfortune of having to be cared for by at first a non-relative, and then a distant relative. Both of whom, for different reasons, did not perform their caring roles well. 

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