Wednesday, 5 December 2018


That the lenses or prism through which she sees, interprets and filers the world she lives in, seems to be pre-set to find no joy at the end of the tunnel or rainbow.

Or that she speaks with the apparent certainty of someone who has ascertained the 'facts' by speaking to the relevant persons and confirm them to have been so.

Indeed, the somewhat improbable imagery of my dear mother, as soon as I leave her. Sometimes looking weak and frailer than usual, on her bed or in her armchair.  

Pulling herself together, as it were, and hopping onto her motorised scooter and speeding along the long corridors and consulting with her neighbours. 

Making enquiries about how they are being treated by their relatives and by their contracted care workers, and their GPs. 

Is conjured up in my mind. It is possible, I know, but how probably is it? 

And if she is not getting the information her arguments suggest she is getting, this way, then how is she getting it? 

Might she fabricating it, or has she, by whatever distorted functioning of her cognitive processes, convinced herself that that is what is taking place?

Why not gently or firmly confront my dear mother with her sometimes improbably take on things, you might be thinking? 

And those of you who have had or heard of similar accounts, will, of course, also know that. 

Any attempt to query, in anyway, the accuracy of my dear mother's account, and try to get as full a picture as I can. 

To be continued!

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