Tuesday, 25 December 2018


'In stripping Christmas of much of its mystique and pseudo 'divinity', humans have, for a change, made religious dictate works for them/us. Instead of servile suspend our incredulity and unquestioningly observe them.'

Yes, Christmas, I am, so I entreat you to enjoy me and make merry. Forget all your troubles, if you can, and come together and have a ball and feast your tired eyes, feet, hands, bodies and soul upon me. 

Because, all that I, Christmas, ask, demand, beg of you, is that you have the short moment of rest from your normal daily chores, and make merry. 

In making yourself merry, in extracting some happiness at this Solstised time of the year, you will add to my happiness. My feeling of satisfaction on having accomplished my purpose.

What am I? I am Christmas, but do not worry yourself about the 'holy' clothing in which some have wrapped me. 

The piousness with which some have and are speaking of me. Though it be true that some, this and that religion have appropriated me and dressed me in their rituals and their particular religious garb. 

That they have, in order to attempt to make me more relevant to their newer beliefs, while holding onto the masses which heretofore have seen me for what I truly Am. 

Just an occasion to make merry. I am really what I Am and should become. 

Which is what you want to make of me. Yes, the Christians have laid claim to me, in seeking to honour, to legitimise and institutionalise their Christ. 

But I Am more that that. I belong to all people and to no people in particular. Because I am about the Sun, the Sun, the Sun. Not 'Christ the Son of God.' 

To be continued!

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