Sunday, 9 December 2018


So, what is the nature relationship between God, or the gods, and us humans? 

Some will never be tired of saying God or the gods love us humans. 

That they have forgiven us our sins - if, indeed, we have any - and have become our redeemers. 

They will speak volumes and do so constantly, about the grace of God and his endless love and compassion for us humans. 

Of how he cares for us so much that he sent his only begotten Son to come and be tortured and put to death, for us. 

Even though this reputed event did not occur until many thousands of years after us humans had evolved into what is now known as 'modern humans', or homo sapiens. 

And even though, like Islam after it, Christianity and its doctrinal guide, The Bible, have tended to dismiss or marginalise, invalidate all other account of and for the existence of humans. 

Irrespective of how illogical, and even infantilistic the proposition might appear to be to the enquiring mind.

Other people, including among the believers, might and have contended that the relationship between humans and God, or the gods, is really one of abandonment and neglect, if not actually abusiveness. 

That, like the relationship between the people and their politicians, the relationship between the all inclusive us and God or the gods. 

To be continued!

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