Tuesday, 18 December 2018


'A person who does not respect him/herself, is not likely to show empathic respect for others.'
Cities such as London, Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds.

Like the 'Bogey man', or the 'duppy' who gave rise to the myth, but, except for the 'zombified believer', no longer exist or is believed to the same extent.  

The myth of the 'angry, aggressive and violent Jamaican' still carry currency. 

In certain areas, and on certain occasions. It is, of course, more than a myth, since on some occasions it becomes a reality. 

And, whenever it is reinforced by the tragic events of those occasions, it becomes strong again and generates the concern, the fear which it has generated in the past. 

But back to Jamaica and the bad publicity which it is getting at present. 

For the acts of violence and the senseless murders which a minority of Jamaicans are carrying out on expatriate Jamaicans. Who returning to the country of the their birth.  

The Jamaica land, wood and water, which they love so much, and want to spend their final years on the good planet Earth, there. 

Back to the Jamaica where the unfortunate tourists, visiting to pay homage and spend their hard earned money indulging in sea, Sun, sand and the 'touristified spirit of Jamaica', are also being attacked and sometimes murdered.

Yes, what the hell is happening in Jamaica? How can a country which is so deep in religion, in Christianity, becomes so hellish? 

Why is it that there now appear to be a section of Jamaicans who are on the lookout, like hyenas, like predators, for returning Jamaican to rob, attack and murder, in order to divest them of their property? 

Why are there a group of Jamaicans who are now on the watch for visiting tourists to rob, exploit and kill, in order to get their money?

Well, it probably should be no mystery. Jamaica was, and, still to some considerable extent, a beautiful island in the West Indies.

To be continued! 

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