Monday, 24 December 2018


As Christmas, that 'Christian appropriated' 'Pagan holy day' approaches, it is an opportune time to remember the god forsaken people of Venezuela. 

A people who desperate plight has been made more so their despotic President, Nicolas Maduo. El perro rabioso de venezuela. El carnicero de venezuela.

The mad dog, the butcher of Venezuela. How truly desperate is the predicament of the Venezuelans, one only has to struggle to watch the recent report by France 24's 'The Reporters.'

Now, I do not know if President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela, is a religious man, some would say, demon. 

If he is, and he is au fait with the Bible, he might therefore have heard of the biblical saying: 'What does it profit a man, if he were to gain the world and loss his soul?

In the context of President Maduro's obsession with remaining in power in Venezuela, would could ask the question: 

'What does it gain or profit him, if, by doing so, at any cost, not, at this time, to him, but to the people of Venezuela, he should lose his soul?'

Well, of course, that question should only be posed to NM, on the presumption or assumption that the man, the devil, if you will, does have a soul. 

And, with no apparent evidence that Nicolas Maduro does have a soul, it would be a dangerous and inaccurate assumption or presumption to make. 

I would say the man, the devil clearly does not have any soul, as there is no evidence of him having an humility, compassion or empathy. 

No, Nicolas Maduro seems to be even more the embodiment of the 'living dead', in how he has, nearly single-handedly, transformed Venezuela into the land of the living dead.

To be continued!

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