Sunday, 23 December 2018


I am preoccupied with the pending visit, although I suspect that I am really not fully aware of how much I am. 

As it would appear that I have, probably, subconsciously, consigned my preoccupation to the nether reaches, the interland of ergosumness. 

Why, I ask myself, and you might be wondering, is this visit preoccupying me? 

Is it because it is a deeply poignant visit? What is this visit about, that is should be proving so troubling? 

That I should feel the need to be both consciously and subconsciously be thinking about it, rehearsing it, pre-living or experiencing it even before I make it? 

That I should be going over roads, vividly visualising the scenery and the significant landmarks along the way.  

As I drive and walk the poignant route which will take me there, on the appointed day, and at the appointed time? 

That I should be visualising our meeting, because, yes, the visit is both to meet someone and to visit a particular place. 

A place which I would rather not having to visit, but is a the best way of offering support, sometimes. 

It will be poignant because it is only us, the visitors, and not the visited who will be able to walking away from this place at the end of our rendezvous.

And now, here we are, with the appointed day and time having arrived, seemingly quicker than I had imagined it would. 

And in no time we were at the reception centre, which we have come to know quite well, as it has imprinted its look, its feel and its modus operandi upon us. 

To be continued!

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