Monday, 28 January 2019


Well, we, or, more accurately, those humans who have gone before us, created a God, various gods, in fact, in their own image. 

And set them before them as the central focus of their existence. Ascribing to them power which they clearly do not have, and, even more noticeably, are incapable of displaying, of using, for good or for ill. 

Our ancestors established this strange and perplexing relationship with the gods, and, by various devices, imposed on us the duty, the responsibility of maintaining this incongruous relationship. 

A relationship between mortal humans and immortal gods. A problematic relationship between powerful but deliberately understated humans and between powerless but overstated gods.

What, I imagine, would be 'God's' take or views about this strange relationship between him and humans.  

If I were to take his existence as a fact, and to have an imaginary conversation with him? 

Yes, imaginary though it would, arguably, it is no less 'real' than in te case of those other humans who presume, imagine and declare themselves to have conversed with 'God.'

Taku.: Hello, God! It is a nice day today! Considering that you have tended to avoid making appearances, as it were, and open contact with us humans. 

I am very pleased that you have agreed to have to take the time to have this conversation with me.

God.: Yes, Taku. Except for my previous discussion with you, and, I must say, others who have been reported as having conversed with me at other times.  

It has been over 2000 years since I have been said to have had any discussion with humans in public.

To be continued!

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