Wednesday, 30 January 2019


Taku.: Quite, L.G. Do you mind, God, if I refer to you as L.G., which, as you know well, means 'Lord God'?

L.G.: Not at all, Taku, or, if you do not mind, T.T

T.: Not in the least, L.G. T., it shall be, as I very much appreciate that we should be able to have this conversation in an atmosphere of serenity, and without it being adversely affected by our differential statuses.

L.G. Well, T. I can say I agree with you whole-heartedly. Not being one who has anything to gain from humans prostrating themselves before me, or, indeed, requiring it of you, of them. 

So, T. with those little niceties having been dealt with. Shall we now get to the reason for you asking for this meeting?

T.: As you have probably already surmised, L.G. My reason for asking for this discussion, concerns the matter of purpose, of raison de tre. 

You see, L.G. Us humans are in a dilemma about our place, we are at a loss, if we are to be honest with ourselves and with you.

L.G.: What do you mean, T? Why are you, you humans in this terrible dilemma, this feeling of being loss? Well, I kind of know where you are heading with this, but, do go on, T.

T.: Well, you see, L.G. Having acquired knowledge, wisdom, us humans, naturally or logically, it seems to us. Do want to know what it is all about, and whether it really is worth it. You know, L.G.?

L.G.: You know, T., yes, I do know. But I had hoped, I thought that you, humans, would also have known as well. 

Having been blessed with the intellectual powers to think, to explore yourselves and your external cosmos. 

I had rather taken it as I given that you would have found 'the answer' to your dilemma. To your feeling of being lost in the Cosmos.

T.: Well, L.G. It is rather complicated, as you will be aware. After all, it is not, according to our laws and customs, given to us humans to think and behave, as it were, like free men and women. 

To be continued!

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