Saturday, 5 January 2019


And not of the common good of the people of Jamaica, whose safety and welfare they are sacrificing for their own benefit.

Which is why any attempt to frame the conflict which is taking place, in the framework of a broader 'political and historic, them and us' context, should be done very carefully and critically. 

Both the Jamaican government and the people of Jamaica would benefit from drawing the appropriate lessons from their past and present.  

And begin to free themselves from the 'pernicious mental slavery' which still looms large in their worldview. 

Without which they cannot make the intellectual, political, social and cultural leap which is required to take them into crafting a better future. 

Yes, as the Chinese nation have and is doing.

They should eschew the lexicon of the past. Ceasing to think, conceptualise and analyse their challenges in terms of 'superior versus inferior', 'exploiter versus exploited.' 

And the emotional and destructive relationship which it has created between the 'white race' and the 'black race', speaking in general terms. 

After all, if the black sons and daughters of Africa should seek to use 'the white man' as their standard, does that mean that their goal is to replace 'him', to 'become him or like him'? 

And, if so, must they, the black sons and daughters of Africa - or of any other region where the white elite has trodden and dominate - relinquish or force the 'white man' to assume their place? 

Even if that means relishing in the presumed and factual 'glory' of their, African ancestors?

Living in the past or an imaginary world is not an option for a future worth living!

So, where do Jamaicans and their government go from here? How are, or should they begin to attempt to resolve this problem? 

To be continued!

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