Sunday, 20 January 2019


Britain's borders, Britain's sovereignty, and Britain's right to keep the aliens beyond her borders, yearning for a better standard of living, or even their survival. 

These are 'sacred things. Especially Britain's 'sovereignty' 

The same kind of 'sovereignty' which the British government has and is shredding in Iraq, Yemen, Libya and Syria. 

Because, unlike Britain's sovereignty, the sovereignty of these 'lesser countries', is not 'sacred', not of the same quality, does not need to be respected and defended.

Which is probably why Prime Minister May is obsessed with the desire to 'achieve' and defend these 'sacred things' at, seemingly, any cost to the nation and the world.

Can, or should any one nation profit immensely at the cost of others? 

Or, can any nation or country expect to be living in a 'stable, secure and peaceful bubble', surrounded by unstable, insecure and conflicted world? 

Is it not the case that, finding themselves, ourselves, living in a comparatively contracted and more accessible and mobile world. 

Less people are willing to stoically accept their disparate fate, without doing all they can to avoid it, make it less pernicious? 

Is this not what the movement, the reverse migration of people from the less affluent, the developmentally poorer countries and regions of the world attesting to? 

Why people are moving from the southern regions of the Americas, to the United States and Canada? 

From Africa, Asia and the Middle East to Europe and the United States of America? And is this not a clear indication that the world needs more, and not less collective and prudent leadership and cooperation?

To be continued!

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