Monday, 21 January 2019


Of this conscious or subconscious drive to ill-fittingly circumscribe our present and our future and place them in the 'old Christian gospel.'

Into the same gospel which, in 1. Corinthians 13:11, advised the faithful that. 

"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, and I understood as a child, but when I became a man, I put away childish things.'' 

Now, as we do know, adults are supposed to endeavour to question and seek to validate what they believe and do, and not just continue to believe things because they have been brought up to believe that 'it is true.' 

Even if, again, rather paradoxically, another author in one of the books comprising the Christian Bible, has admonished the faithful 'to believe in the gospel as would a child.' 

Which we could take to be a reference to a child who takes what he/she is told 'as the truth', and does not question its veracity.  Which is a good way to for the religious elites to try to manipulate the faithful, the believers. 

The authors and the interpreters of the Bible, and probably other religious scriptures, have, it seems, attempted to 'have an answer for everything.' 

This is probably not as surprising as it might appear, since us humans tend to have a desire for asymmetry. 

Tending to be looking out for uniformity and incongruence, so that we can 'put things in order', get them to conform to our perception of what they should, or should not be.

However, with the Bible being so voluminous and authored and reinterpreted by so many people. 

It is not surprising that all of this reconfiguration, editing and reforming of it should, should result in it being set against itself, and raising more questions than answers. 

To be continued!

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