Wednesday, 2 January 2019


'Bolsonaro's time in power will be short, but, for now, he has the power to do substantial damage to the people of Brazil, especially the country's native peoples. 

Declaring himself to be an anti-corruption President, one of his first act is to set about depriving Brazil's native peoples of their lands, to the benefit of the his rich farming cartel. Is that not corruption?'

Except in sofar as the 'Bolsonaristas' would and will sacrifice them and their interests to achieve the Bolsonaristas' elitistis and Fascistic nationalist plans for Brazil and its people.

Under the Banner of 'making Brazil Great Again', and without saying which period of the nation's history he is referring to.  

And of ridding the country of corruption, a phrase which has now become the refrain of too many 'poacher' and 'predator' national leaders of questionable pedigree.  

President Saint Bolsonaro now begins his reign as Brazil's latest 'emperor.'

We are told that, having spend over 25 years in Brazil's government, Bolsonaro indicated that he was running for the Presidency, but was not expecting to win. 

Which is something we can understand, if we take the view that he did not win Brazil's presidential election. 

What really happened was that the opposition party, the 'Lulastas' and their allies lost it, as their mistakes and the wrongs they had committed before and during their tenure of office. 

Have been deemed by most Brazilian electorate as having outweighed the good they have done. 

And because the progress of the judicial anti-corruption campaign in Brazil had robbed the Lulastas of two of their former Presidential candidates and weakened their political party.

To be continued!

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