But that will not stop Brazilian society from producing more Brazilians to replace them.
Because the problems of Brazil lie in the fundamental inequalities on which its society is founded and is being maintained.
Yes, it is still a neo-slaveocratic and internal-colonial society. Even if the elite who rules and prospers from it, have superficially disguised its true nature.
Even if it seems to have become more of an Apartheid instead of a neo-slaveocratic society
If Brazilians want evidence of why they should not be hopeful of Bonasonaro's regime bringing them anything progressive and durable.
Then they only have to look to the challenges confronting other populist leaders, including Macron and Trump, amongst others.
The fact that the Brazilian electorate seems not to be worried about their government replacing the right-wing paramilitary units as an executive judge and executioner of which Brazilians to eliminate from society.
Will ensure that the new regime is seen for the pariah state it is creating for Brazil, and evoke the necessary international condemnation it deserves.
It will not be long before Bonasaro, like pretenders before him, will be shown to be a real and destructive demon, disguising himself as 'a saviour', a 'saint', about to save Brazil.
No, it most certainly will not, cannot happen that Bolsonaro's regime will save Brazil and Brazilians.
The challenge is much too big and complex for this breed of men, who are imagine the solution to be one of killing, incarcerating and consigning Brazilians who they perceive to be the problem, to the slaghead of Brazilian society.
When Brazilians are serious about solving their societal and economic problems or meeting the challenge which it presents.
Then they will begin elect leaders who are builders and committed to building a Brazil for all Brazilians.
Leaders who are committed to replace the Flavelas with decent homes for poor Brazilians, and to creating healthy and meaningful jobs for the unemployed.
Leaders who are committed to correcting the underlying inequality and injustices upon which the Nation of Brazil evolves.
And not leaders who want to take the country back to oppressive past, which many progressive and enlightened Brazilians have fought and died to replace. Being desperate and despairing is no excuse for doing so.
Fortunately for Brazilians, they do not have to wait for Bolsonaro and his 'evil regime' to serve out their full term of office.
Like the people of Hungary, and other countries where the government has shown itself to be the opponent, instead of the defender of the people and enlightenment.
The people of Brazil can begin to organise and return to the streets to demonstrate their opposition to the evil which Bolsonaro and his supporters represent.
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