Friday, 4 January 2019


'The people of Syria needs peace, Now, to be able to rebuild their destroyed livelihoods. But the West believe they can afford to procrastinate, as it is the local people who have to pay the real cost of waging war in Syria and the Middle East. to realise the West's strategic goals. Except that....'
So as to  internationalise them and create the context for them to intervene in Syria and pursue their then current and future objectives. 

Now that they are in Syria, illegally, occupying parts of the country, they, especially the French and the British, are not eager to leave.

President Trump, to his credit, and the great annoyance of the French and the British, has expressed his intention to leave the Syrian battle field. 

So, yes, we do not know of what dastardly plan he intends to continue to prosecute his pro-Israel objectives, after he ceases his country's occupation of Syrian territory. 

But him doing so, eventually, as he has now succumbed to stringent pressure from America's allies to continue the occupation, and has said that it will a gradual pullout. 

Will help the Syrian government and people make the transition from war to national reconciliation and nation rebuilding.

That President Trump has been forced or persuaded to extend his time-scale for pulling American troops and 'advisors' from Syria. 

Is, however, still at least a temporary setback for the Syrian regime and its people and allies. 

The fact is that the British and French and the other unrepentant 'Friends ('Fiends') of Syria' - by which they mean the rebellious forces who were and is still fighting the government - are in no hurry to leave the country. 

They, while they remain committed to achieving their 'post-2011 objectives', are still committed to pursuing them, probably by any convenient means. 

They need to continue to maintain their pretext to be in Syria, and, now being forced by the changed conditions on the group which the intervention of Russia, Iran and Hezbollah have precipitated. 

With their 'rationale' having been expanded to 'the defeat of ISIS.' 

To be continued!

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