Monday, 7 January 2019


To make sure that the Arab and Iranian people of the region do not pose any military or economic threat, actual or potential, towards its dominance. 

Israel, in the perspective of its 'deep state strategist and leadership elite', is, on the one hand, not really a Middle Eastern country. 

Culturally and intellectually, they probably do not see themselves as really belonging, being an integral part of the region. 

It is probably more on a 'feeling' and 'indoctrination' thing for them.

They probably see Israel more like a ' Colonial Roman fort or enclave.' 

They, the average immigrant to Israel, like any other colonialist, do not see themselves as being like the 'natives of the region.'  

And neither do they want to be like, or for them, the 'natives', to become like the Jewish Israel. 

If you want to take on the mantle of 'superiority', then you need to have others who you see and treat as inferior to you. 

Therefore, it becomes a necessity for you want to maintain that status quo. 

To concretise the myth on which your 'justification' is based. Making 'the word' becomes 'real', tangible, if you like.

And yet, on the other hand, the case for the establishment of the State of Israel, is, according to its founders and advocates. 

Predicated on there having been an historical 'Nation of Israel', having existed in the region in antiquity. 

So, while this is not an argument for the abolition of the State of Israel, which has become a de facto and de jure reality.  

It does highlight the paradoxical, contradictory and exceptionalistic existence of the state of Israel and its people. 

To be continued!

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